Is there a more dapper, interesting fellow in sports? Signature bow tie, GTH pants, relaxed casual attitude. Smart, erudite and witty.
As a fashion icon he does not get the credit he deserves. In my opinion he epitomizes true Preppy style. Why did NBC ever let him go?

Any resemblance to other fat, bow tie wearing, bald men is purely circumstantial, on your part.
Agreed! Especially your observation of the GTH pants. You can't wear 'em if you are going to be tentative about it. Either strap 'em on and swagger off with aplomb or leave 'em at home. GTH pants and the people gawking at you when you wear them can smell fear and tentativeness a mile away!
What a great website. My personal favorite was Lolita.
I like Basel Dazzle for Federer.
It appears that Collins buys his own trouser fabrics and then has them tailored by the Andover Shop.
Nice post
I meet bud collins in person and He love wearing Mens Suits everyday he attend formal occasion.
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