Pinky swear. Honest to god, swear. It's a girl thing.
Along with the gift of land my daughter and her husband gave Mrs. T and I tickets to Spamalot.
This morning my bride asked what Spamalot was about.
I told her it was a takeoff of Monty Python and the Holy Grail,
and was met with a vacant stare.
I began at first principles. What Monty Python was. The search. Why the coconuts...
I then set her down with the video, which she claims to have never seen.
I have no idea what planet she was raised on. A friend told me it's the same at his house.
Gents, this is what happens when you marry a child bride.
5 hours ago
Selective memory, I'd guess. I know vaguely what Monty Python was, but I never understood the humour. Poor Bill, he loves it.
My Dear Wife knows of and has seen "..Holy Grail."
And never wishes to see it again.
One more thing I'll never understand.
“I think that all good, right thinking people in this country are sick and tired of being told that all good, right thinking people in this country are fed up with being told that all good, right thinking people in this country are fed up with being sick and tired. I'm certainly not, and I'm sick and tired of being told that I am”
None Shall Pass! ...Actually, while I *am* a girl, I would have to agree with you. I learned to love MP when in high school from some of my great friends (which of course in this case were boys). I used know and quote alot more lines with them while my girlfriends would just stare at us all. So, I don't know that its an age differential....
Not normal I guess, although I prefer the term eclectic. :)
She will likely enjoy it, and if not...well, she loves you, so that's enough.
For the record, it was I who finally made my then-boyfriend-now-fiace sit down at watch the Holy Grail. However, it didn't take quite as well as the Godfather did (another one I shared with him).
"I feel happy, I feel happy."
"Your mother was a hampster and your father smelled of elderberries."
I'm a girl, and I know Monty. Although, I must say, it is much funnier when libations have been consumed. Perhaps a cocktail for your Mrs. and a second viewing is in order.
My friend's brother was a huge MP fan. Seen it. A second viewing is not required. My eldest? Loves it.
I'll have to share this with my Hubby. He's a huge MP fan, yet I was not well-versed in the world of MP. The quotes, the little steps, go over my head, yet Hubby married me anyway. :)
i recall some years ago, i was dating a woman about 10 years my junior. i estatically told her i saw a dave wakeling at a show once.
"who?" she asked.
"the lead singer for the english beat!" i replied
"the english what?"
We are the knights who say "nee"!
Being one of my favorite movies of all time, I finally had my girlfriend watch the Holy Grail. She promptly fell asleep. I stayed up and quoted the whole thing word for word. I suppose when you grow up watching British comedy you possess a level of humor the uninitiated simply cannot grasp without significant explanation, which obviously removes the element of humor all together.
Unfortunately I was out of town when Spamalot was running here, I'm looking forward to your thoughts on the production.
should we go smelling of elderberries?
There was a period a few years ago when I couldn't walk past our tv without seeing Holy Grail playing or driving my son's carpool without hearing all the popular lines. I took my sons to Spamalot a couple years ago. We all enjoyed it and I hope you and Mrs. T do also.
She's younger than me. I watched Holy Grail in a drive-in. Stoned. True story.
i can recite whole entire scenes. british father and high school boyfriend who loved anything english.
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