I was at the barber the other day.
Allow me to rat myself out. Pig that I am, my barber is a very attractive brunette who is about the same age as the car I drove to get to the barber shop, but about half as old as the shoes, which I purchased new, wore that day.
In my defence, my next door neighbor owns the shop, and she selected the "stylist" for me..
All in all, she hasn't much to work with, and I am happy with the results, so I continue to go.
The day I went, HSM3 was released and she was very excited to see it. I mentioned my 8 yo grand daughter had also lost sleep in anticipation. But the Barber continued that she was still a kid at heart, and had ALL the Disney animated movies on VHS. I couldn't let this go on much further, so I told her she most certainly did not. Then the litany began.
Well she did have quite a few, even the earliest ones.
But still she did not have them all, in fact had never heard of this one.
For 5 points what Disney animated movie does she not have?
Free Kansas cannot play. First correct answer wins, all correct answers get 3 points.
15 hours ago
Song of the South
fantasia, or steamboat willie?
Oh, I did not know the answer, but I bet Song of the South is correct. Horribly racist, I know, but I did love those stories growing up.
anonymous,(whom I suspect is the hidden free kansas) was correct. Mrs. Blandings award yourself 5 points.
Thanks for the heads up on the Oakton episode. I've actually been watching HGTV in the early am to free myself from listening to the incessant blathering about the election.
The house we are buying *fingers crossed* is right next door to Oakton, so I'm sure you'll be able to tour it when you come for Thanksgiving. ;-}
Mrs B make a good point about the stories. I clearly remember Uncle Remus and Rudyard Kipling's Just so stories in regular rotation in my childhood bed time stories.
I wonder though if the Remus stories don't hold up as literature. If the US hasn't evolved enough in the past 50 years to losr the taint of racism, and allow them to stand alone as children's literature, or if losing them is the price we pay for becoming a more inclusive society.
Ms. Mindless I defer.
I wonder if you can even buy them to see? I read not too long ago that TMC no longer runs Holiday Inn - or limits its showings - because of the black face scene. I completely understand, but then we lose the Inn and the wonderful firecracker number, too.
The Joel Chandler Harris stories are obviously racist in the context of the prevailing attitudes of slavery that may have inspired them...but it's as great a loss if the tale of Brer Rabbit and the Tar baby is ignored today solely on the basis of being racist...Suspect when these period of PC politics finally passes they will be rediscovered and cherished by future generations....
The "Original Anonymous" (and must report NOT the hidden free Kansas...but alive and well and residing in NYC....but Mrs. Blandings please feel free to keep your 5 points.
what is this song of the south disney movie? i'll have to try to find it on youtube. i guess i am too young to know about it...
i don't think that stories should be abandoned when they aren't pc. as an adult, i still enjoy children's literature (though i am a teacher, so i have to read children's books every day, but i loved children's literature long before i planned on becoming a teacher:)
with any story i read to my students, i give background information to get them thinking about the context. in teacher speak, we call that "activating prior knowledge", an important skill in developing reading comprehension. with an old story that was not pc, i would do the same thing. it can make for a great teaching point.
last year in my class, we had a really interesting discussion after reading babar (one of my childhood favorites). the students were able to enjoy the story and then talk about the controversial parts (ie, the white people going into the jungle and saving the "black" elephants by taking them to the city and civilizing them by putting on clothes and westernizing them).
the kids were able to have a pretty smart discussion about the book. the overall consensus was that the white people should have left the elephants alone because they were happy in the jungle.
now, when cleaning out some old books from my school over the summer, i did find an ancient black history book called "negro pioneers". i will probably skip that read aloud!
Anon: i happen to have an abundance of points today, so I award 5 to you also.
Ms. Mindless: the song of the South was a Disney adaptation of the Uncle Remus stories. While the stories themselves are not racist, they were written by a white man in slave dialect, in the 19(20's?). You may remember the title song best Zippy do da, or perhaps the characters Brer Bear and Brer Rabbit.
Disney relesed it once in the US on video and their world just about came down. To show their remorse Disney released it in the UK where it is readily available today, but in the PAL format.
I'm sorry that I have not had a chance to keep up in the last few weeks. That being said, I did not post as "anonymous" so please award him/her the due points and a bonus point for the slanderous accusations.
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