We turn into your basic early 70's suburban neighborhood. Pretty houses, well kept lawns, mature flora, kids in good schools.
Left at the next intersection. I follow his instructions.
Then it hits.
Life in the closing days of the empire
First and most importantly I located my copy Apple's America, his 2005 memoir and distinguished travel guide to the 40 best cities in North America. Should you hit the road with any frequency this guide is indispensable, although it is becoming a little long in the tooth, it will tell yoiu where to go, what to do, and where to stay.
Second, I was clearing out old magazines and came across Calvin Trillin's New Yorker profile of Mr. Apple. If you are a fan of Trillin, you may enjoy this send up. The profile also led me to Harvie and Hudson and the gingham shirt fiasco.
Finally, I looked up his Times obit which directed me to the last story printed under Mr. Apples by line, The Global Gourmet an exposition of Johnnie's list of the top ten restaurants in the world.
Skinny food writers always scare me. 3 lunch was, anything but, he was one of the best. He died in 2006.
Newcomers, this is my bonus daughter Mindy. She is a college junior matriculating in Boston. Today is her 21st birthday. Her mother is hoping that upon reaching her majority, Mindy may be at least half way through the I know everything, you know squat phase. Another 10-15 years ought to put that argument to rest.
On the other hand, not for a minute will I suggest she is new to spirits, but just in case you happen to be in Beantown today, and thinking about taking your life in your hands on public highways and byways use extra caution, especially after sundown. Classes are over for this term, and she starts late.
Just sayin'.
Stop me if you have heard this before.
We have been awarded a Your Blog is Fabulous Award by the News Reading Wife. Thank you, ma'am. It's a gift that keeps on giving, in that it comes with rules.
Recipients are asked to:
Post the award on your blog. Nominate 10 other blogs and link to them. Send some love back to the person who bestowed the award on you by: a/telling them who you gave it to and posting a link to their site. Let your nominees know that they've received the award.
I take all challenges seriously, sorta. That said, many of my favorite bloggers are black and blue from being tagged more often than a girl cousin at a family reunion. So forgive me if I pass by some of my favorite blogs, and let you in on a few secrets I really enjoy. If you are truly miffed that I did not specifically include you, please include yourself, or complain to me, and I'll publicly apologize and send an award of my own devising to you. No harm done.
In no particular order I nominate the following great blogs for regifting the "Your blog is Fabulous Award".
My first place goes to Gladys of Gladys Tells All. should you ever find yourself feeling a little blue, or in need of a bust upside the head or a belly laugh go see Gladys. G has seen and done more things than anyone else alive. Should you doubt me, ask her.
Rechelle, the Country Doctors Wife of My Sister's Farmhouse deserves this award, if only for posting pix of ribeye steaks being cut off the bone. That day was a carnivores delight. Rechelle is a mom, gardener, friend and and her blog reflects that.
Maxminimus runs a pretty tight ship. This award is self serving since I will soon need to refer to him as "my Liege". Pretty cool guy, with a blog full of cool guy stuff.
Giuseppe of An Affordable Wardrobe: G's blog centers on how he built an incredible wardrobe via thrifting. Pretty tough do as a budding architech, husband, father of two. Always looks sharp and has an opinion he is not afraid to share.
Meg of Pigtown Design. I know you all read her blog. A woman of taste and refinement with a fabulous eye for detail. She is also a good sharer.
Laurel Street Blog: this is a new one on my radar, but since I was so well advised on my recent trip to NOLA, I couldn't pass them up. Part design, part food and spirits, always a good read.
Daryl of Southern Gent is another displaced soul from NO., and one of 3 DC'ers who made the list. Good old boy with a good heart. I believe you will enjoy his writing.
Allie of Summer is a Verb writes a beautiful blog but I fear for her. Too often she turns up in some very unsavory places. Just Friday, she was seen hanging around Maxminimus. Never a good sign, for a stylish attached young woman.
Denise of Eat Play Love. I met Denise at Katy's wedding almost 3 years ago. She probably doesn't know I lurk around her blog with unseemly frequency, and comment most unfrequently. But its true, I do. Denise is a Denverite young mother with a world traveling adventuresome husband. Eat Play Love mostly focuses on a part of my life long over, but she brings back great memories.
Tucker, Longwing, Chris, Admiral Cod you're all in my heart and deserve your own awards. Until then pour a short one on me.
The Lemonade Stand Award is presented to people with a good attitude or sense of gratitude.
However, it comes with a few rules:
Receipients are asked to:
Post the award on your blog
Nominate 10 other blogs and link to them.
Send some love back to the person who bestowed the award on you by: a/telling them who you gave it to and posting a link to their site.
Let your nominees know that they've received the award.
The first award is a slam dunk. We were originally awarded our Lemonade Stand award by Rebecca Woodhead of From Brain to Bookshelf. Rebecca is a novelist, searching for an agent, as well as Channelling Bunny contributor. Our first award goes to Jean of Renovation Therapy. Jean besides making me laugh continuously and being a crafty and caring person is also a literary agent in search of authors. Make Lemonade you two.
The next lemonade stand award goes to our good buddy Sarte of Advice to my Sons. Sadly, its something of a valedictory award, since he has put his blog on hiatus. Over the past few months he has labored, searching new career opportunities. Having done that myself, I know what a toll it takes. Sarte has risen above his troubles and came out stronger on the other side. His Red Sox passion troubles me though.
Kathy of No Rhyme or Reason has been the most frequent commenter at this site. Like the dunce I am, the few times I searched, I couldn't find her blog. How hard is it you ask? Not very I reply. Through my own fault I have missed a great deal, and now spent too much time catching up. Kathy is also the most inspirational of the contributors to Channeling Bunny.
For best performance in a home building project I award the Lemonade Stand to Kathleen, of House Things I Like. It seems like Kathleen and her family have built then rebuilt their home. They have certainly put me off wanting to build. Kathleen is continually making lemonade, mostly out of contractors.
The award for best food, drink and comfort blog is awarded to Martha of Lines from Linderhof. As Martha knows all too well, I'd rather eat asphalt than my veggies, and I will eat asphalt before laying a tooth into cheese, yet I am addicted to Martha's recipes especially for things I wouldn't touch with a fork. I know Martha will make lemonade, and add just a touch of something I would have never thought of, and it will be memorable. Thank you Martha.
My daughter and I are regular readers of David of Midwestern Malaise. David is the guy rooting through your dust bin, and turning your cast offs to very expensive heirloom pieces, for someone else. His blog is quirky, catty, fun and a great read. My hat is off to David, who BTW is a contributor of Channeling Bunny.
My final Lemonade stand award, for Lemonade, with a splash of sour mash and mint goes to that charming woman who encouraged me when I needed it. New's Reading Wife of Breaking News. She does annoy hell out of me when she so subtly adds, oh I was thinking of you as my credit card came out at.... perhaps I am Indian giving, but too bad.
There are approximately 15 other of my favorite blogging friends I would wish to award, but I know they are bombed with awards and cringe at the thought of any more. Mrs. Blanding, Ms Mindless, MOTR, Hovey sisters, Chris the Easy and Elegant.
Additional, part 2 is coming up. My regifting of the Your Blog is Fabulous Award. Not to worry, your time is coming.
I admit to being sappy at times. Pride and Prejudice is one of my favorite books. I find the Keira Knightley P&P movie hauntingly beautiful. I'm misty eyed throughout the last 20 minutes. Every time.
I want to be Donald Sutherland, I want to be Mr. Darcy.
Mercifully, the movie is on television almost constantly. You can choose either the 2 hours too long TNT version or the Oprah version.
Last night I got sucked into the O version. I hadn't caught this travesty before.
10 minutes or so to go. I'm tearing up. Darcy meets Elizabeth to ask for her hand one more time, the music swells "if your feelings have changed..."
After commercial: In dad's study.....
WT? The best part of the movie is gone. Where did it go? Is my memory that bad. Have I (O)forgotten the rest of Darcy's speech? Lizzy's reply?
Thank you Oppie. Who knew you needed the money so badly?
3. Ladies and Gent, Boys and Girls we have been awarded a prize. Dear friend, and budding novelist Rebecca have passed on the enviable Lemonade Stand Award.
Frequent commenter News Readin' Wife awarded the prize to our humble missives. I am still flattered and grateful. At the time the award was given I was barely able to type 2 letters without misspelling, and too shy to pass on my good fortune.
What I never said was, that the award encouraged me at time I was about to stop. I'm thankful to her every day. You on the other hand have her to blame.
The rules as I remember are about the same, so I will treat them the same anyway. Fortunately there are enough prizes as followers to go around. I will specificly announce the winners tomorrow and my reasons why. No it is not just because you follow. This isn't the Oprah show.
Sadly CP was the only disappointment in our travels. Food was good, service was awful.