Have you ever sold your house? Savvy sellers spend the month prior to listing their home for sale, scrubbing, primping, uncluttering and repairing. The goal is to make your home more perfect than any other listing. The easiest to overlook is the repairing. A common refrain is "I wish I had fixed that years ago" especially after installing a $5 part. Human nature being what it is allows most of us to work around the minor faults of our home. Light switches that stick and doors that won't stay closed are easily overlooked. Hopefully the seller of your new home has done these things as well. You're too tired after moving to consider picking up a paint or scrub brush for a long time.
We have lived in our home 6 years. Long enough to forget the trauma of moving, but not long enough to get used to the faults that have crept in since we arrived, so Mrs. T and I decided last weekend to do something about it. We are going from room to room, and inside out, cleaning, decluttering, painting and repairing just as if we were moving, which we aren't. My outside list is 6 pages long, the inside list keeps me up nights.
I'm surprised by how much needs doing when you take time to look, and by how much fresher and brighter things are after a bit of attention. This too shall pass.