Monday, February 28, 2011
The Rules of Basket Ball

Sunday, February 27, 2011
Kate's mum

Saturday, February 26, 2011
Odds and Ends

To celebrate our 50th anniversary we're publishing 50 Mini Modern Classics: the best short fiction by the greatest writers of the last century - from Beckett to Kafka, Nabokov to Saki and Updike to Wodehouse. Each little book is a quick literary hit, a satisfying shot of storytelling. And though they don't take long to read, they'll stay with you long after you turn the final page.
The US edition of Penguin Classics, nearing their 76th birthday, make no mention of Mini Classics, but I hope, suspect, wish, want a US version to appear soon.
II. Maybe-Maybe Not
Invented by a woman, made for a man.
You decide, many thanks to Neatorama
Friday, February 25, 2011
Paige Day
If your schools are closed, the office shut, and a large parade forming it is in celebration of Justin's girlfriend day or as we like to call it, Paige Day.
Word up is that Justin himself will make a special appearance at Paige's this afternoon.
In celebration of Paige X day please join me in singing, using any tune you wish, the following:
Happy Paige Day to you
Happy Paige Day to you
Happy Paige Day Dear Paige
You're too cute to be XI.
Love from Grandpa and all his friends,
Thursday, February 24, 2011
I'm betting he's available

She got the pony and sees it Wednesdays and every other weekend.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Smother Love for Abnormally Normal
Does this ring true to you? It may give hope to MOTR.
In anticipation of the DVD release of the film Cyrus, 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment sponsored a survey of 3000 people over 18 living with their parents, and 1500 of those parents.
The results publish by Reuters Life! hardly sound true.
Highlights include:
Parents are three times more likely to allow their adult sons to return to the family home than daughters. Is this because girls often come with kids and layabout boyfriends?
Returning sons or "boomerang boys" are considered more obliging house guests than their sisters and that they easily wrap their mothers around their little fingers. Are returning children really house guests?
Sons are more likely to pay rent, lend a hand with the housework and accept parental advice on careers and love, compared with daughters who are regarded as lazier and less likely to contribute to the household. In no known universe could this be true.
More than half the mothers interviewed for the study were glad their sons had returned home, and only 18 percent acknowledged their boys had overstayed their welcome. The survey showed that 58 percent of mums admitted spoiling their sons, but only 35 percent gave their daughters the same treatment.
Mums are more inclined to cook dinner for their sons, wash and iron their clothes and provide a taxi service. Sons also tend to be more frequent recipients of cash handouts, although girls tend to get more total cash. Moms cook and clean out of fear of embarrassment in case of being seen with their sons. While not fair, it is more expensive to be a girl.
Not surprisingly:
Despite the apparent willingness to coddle their sons, the survey also revealed that parents were concerned about them becoming too dependent and never moving out again.
A third of parents also said that having their child back at home with them means that they argue more; with a fifth being embarrassed by the move and 16 percent admitting they had thought of downsizing just to get rid of their children.
Or you could just change the locks.
ToadTuesday, February 22, 2011
Middle East Tweets
Just can't take some people anywhere
Police break up brawl at Chuck E. Cheese's
Disturbance was between two families celebrating birthdays
It was a case of adults behaving badly at Chuck E. Cheese's when Topeka police had to clear a brawl Saturday night at the kids-oriented restaurant on Wanamaker Road.
In a statement issued Sunday morning by Capt. Bill Cochran, the shift commander said officers responded at 8:45 p.m. Saturday to the restaurant at 2215 S.W. Wanamaker Road where they found "an active disturbance both inside and outside the business."
The disturbance began, Cochran said, "when two families celebrating different birthday events had a disagreement" and adults from both gatherings began to fight. "The situation spilled out into the parking lot, as well as inside the business," he said.
Officers dispersed the crowd and issued two citations in connection with fighting/brawling and disorderly conduct.
Once order was restored, management of the Chuck E. Cheese's, which usually stays open until 11 p.m. on Saturdays, "elected to close the business for the remainder of the night," Cochran said.
Can you imagine how grim Chuck's must be at 10:30 on a Saturday night?
Monday, February 21, 2011
Unread Herrings

There were 2 seminal magazines in the Age of Aquarius. The National Lampoon arrived as a monthly in the spring of 1970. A sophmoric, smart ass, older kid's magazine. Smarter than Mad, funnier than anything else available. Their stock in trade was topical parody. Little was off limits, as demonstrated by the ad above.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
in this corner..
Ted's as far away from the girls as possible, all the while believing he's the Alpha. No one dares disturb the bear.
Ten minutes later he rolls over and heads to his spot.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Peter and the Tank
Thursday, February 17, 2011
The Peacock's Anachronism

Imagin photos of the salesman's patron saint, Winston Churchill, and
Edwardian era Vanity Fair drawings.
I had designed and redesigned MY shirt hundreds of times over, never once considering, much less answering the question of why I needed an anachronism. I could have consulted the master ADG , but I didn't need to be egged on, I just needed to do it.
My opportunity came early November. A Groupon offer by a local haberdasher offered 2 custom shirts for 1 low price. I snapped it up. 16 weeks into a 6 to 8 week schedule, including 6 days for UPS to ship the package across town, the goods arrived Tuesday.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
The inimitable Little Augury focused her creative talents last week on the various hues of purple favored by her many muses. Our minds were much in sync as coincidently while reviewing a cache of photos, the scales fell from my eyes as I noticed just how powerfully a touch of purple can alter an outfit from very nice to spectacular.
Purple is tough to wear though. Hue is important. Too light and it's something for little girls, too dark too sinister.
The history of purple is wrapped in majesty. In antiquity, the dye, harvested from snails,was soooooo expensive only royalty could afford it.

I've been searching for a similar shirt since I refell in love with turtlenecks.
The girl, I'm not so sure about.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
what do you think?
Admittedly, with the jaunty red and yellow numbers from Peterman, my signature summer look would be DB, but I could live with that. Beats letting old friends rot in the wardrobe.
Any thoughts?
Monday, February 14, 2011
Will you be ours, Valentine?

I caught a few minutes of "Family Feud" recently. A contestant was asked, "which holiday is the worst to be alone?"
Survey says: the number one answer is "Valentines Day".
Today is not Black Monday. It's Saint Valentine's Day. A feast for lovers and friends, we still can recall. I am not, you are not, neither he, she nor it, is alone today. We've got each other.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Book Report Day- Hero, by Michael Korda
David Lean's 1962 classic Lawrence of Arabia is my all time favorite movie. I remember clearly the afternoon my aunt dropped us off at the theater with a dollar apiece telling us she'd be back. We believed her too.
Ever since, Lawrence has been my idol, without my having any true understanding who he was or what he did. Fast forward to 2011 and Michael Korda has changed that.

As Korda makes clear, Lawrence will always remain an enigma. Yet he was a born leader, an academic, aesthete, fearless and impervious to deprivation. He studied military tactics and marksmanship as a child.
The guerrilla war tactics, he invented, the ruling families he selected and the fledgling map of the Middle East he sought to impose, after the breakup of the Ottoman Empire continue to vex the world.
My sole disagreement with Mr. Korda is with his description of Lawrence's most lasting work, Seven Pillar's of Wisdom, as one of the greatest books ever written about war. Admittedly, this reflects more upon me, but try as I might, I can't plough my way through it. Maybe next year.
Hero is a great story told well, and a perfect winter read. Give it a go.
Friday, February 11, 2011
Nelson Mandela's Release from Prison
While for adult ears only, and not recommended for sensitive viewers, I have long enjoyed comedian Chris Rock's comparison of Nelson Mandela's time in prison versus being home with his long suffering wife after his release.
Once again, Mr. Rock's language may offend.
Long may you live Mr. President.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Have you seen

This screams to be a Maybe- Maybe Not segment, but I fear no one would bite.

I'm going to playing around with the font over the next couple of days. If one is more appealing/annoying than another speak up please.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Our Top 10 List

Jeremy Irons
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Award Season
I have written previously on this subject, that I take all challenges seriously, sorta. My favorite bloggers are black and blue from being tagged more often than a cute cousin at a family reunion, so I'm going to cheat.
Instead of a single litany of my sins, or an airing of grievances, I'll ease the band-aid off and bury my secrets and pass along this award in upcoming posts. It's up to you to find them. Few will likely surprise. By all means, you're getting tagged.
The Fat Scribe has presented the " A Blog with Substance" award. Substance? Has he ever been here?

Alexis Bittar

Monday, February 7, 2011

I kept a clipping of a story in the Independent, titled Blake Lively voted world's most desirable woman. An understandable reaction would be why I kept such musings, and I can only answer that I was taken aback. Who the hell is Blake Lively?
The gist of the story was a poll taken by AskMen.com rating the top 10 most desirable women in the world.
1. Blake Lively
2. Mila Kunis
3. Sofia Vergara
4. Selita Ebanks
5. Miranda Kerr
6. Cheryl Cole
7. Scarlett Johansson
8. Katy Perry
9. Anne Hathaway
10. Jessica Pare
So Gents, here's the test. Accept that you will never, ever meet any of these women, or if you do it will come at GREAT personal expense.
Question 1. How many of these women have you ever heard of?
Question 2. Who on the list could you pick out of a lineup?
A logical 3rd question would be who cares, but we're not going there.