Saturday, July 24, 2010

If I had a Canwhich and you had....

The late writer, monologist and actor Spalding Gray, in "Monster in a Box" told about how for years, to help save a sous or two, would carry an airplane bottle of his favorite in his pocket when he went out for dinner. Instead of ordering drinks, he would BYO. Figured it helped to buy his house.

It is a clever strategy, recently improved upon by ingenious folks who needed a foolproof way to sneak drinks into non alcoholic venues such as college sports arenas and grade school song and dance nights.

Direct from New York Magazine - the Jersey Shore Must-Have: The Wine Rack

"This Wine Rack is a $30 sports bra containing pouches for liquid attached to a straw, so you can finally enjoy the long-awaited thrill of drinking from your own boobs. Maybe it's time for Victoria's Secret to fill their bra cups with actual Capri Sun packets and sell them with a mini-straw attached, like juice boxes."

My guess is sporting this number will take some careful planning or fast drinking. Nothing too cold, nothing too hot, since before long everything will become warm. Firewater seems the only likely choice, with Cold Duck or Peppermint Schnapps running a close second.

Would sharing be vulgar?



Shelley said...

This is going into the next running newsletter I edit - title "New running bra technology". They call themselves a running club for drinkers/drinking club for runners...

SouthernProletariat said...

Somewhere in a trailer park in the south, there is a large redneck woman going "HELL YEAH!"

Kill me now. Please.

James said...

Why is it women get all the great fashion accessories? Although there was that beer can hat......

Mistress Cynica said...

Would sharing be vulgar?
OhToad darling, I think we passed vulgar with the words "Wine Rack."

Toad said...

Mistress you have had me laughing all day. Thank you I needed that

sue in mexico mo said...

You have made me laugh again! Very funny.

NCJack said...

Would it be uncalled for if I pointed out that the model looks like the type of young...lady...who would wear one of those things?

Anonymous said...

My question is this... As you drink from this bra does it empty equally from both "cups" or will it leave a woman lopsided?