Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Sunday, May 29, 2011
Memorial Day

Somewhere along the way towards your weekend and holiday events give pause and remember why it's called Memorial Day,

and thank a Vet.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Gil Scott-Heron-RIP
Thanks for the memories.
oranga glad he paid attention

Thank you William for setting a great example.

Photos once again from The Preppy Princess
Friday, May 27, 2011
it takes a very rich man...
Several weeks ago I was seeking the source for the quote "only very rich men wear seersucker clothes." As so frequently happens, fate stepped in in the guise of The Elegantologist who led a post with that quote, attributed to Damon Runyon.
Brooks Brothers introduction of light cotton summer suiting, including seersucker, lent the suit it's patrician image. The idea being, only the rich could afford to look disheveled. Brooks still vends a great off the rack seersucker suit.
What prompted this history lesson was a trip through EBAY. BB's Black Fleece headboy Thom Browne has designed a seersucker suit for the new millennium. An yes it takes a very rich man, gone soft in the head to wear it. Shown above,$3200 retail, pre worn for your convenience $1450. I merely report the news, I have no hand in this sale.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Dating Tips for Gentlemen-Redux
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
The Finishing Touch

Tuesday, May 24, 2011
I blame Stan Musial & Dockers

Off field, Stan was a natty dresser, and would make the rounds of his place each evening, sign autographs, glad hand and keep the beer flowing always in a Cardinal red jacket and tie.

Monday, May 23, 2011
The Queen's Birthday

In many families, birthdays are really big deals. Take our house for example. We celebrate Mrs. T birthday month throughout June. Mine I'd just as soon forget, since I lie about my age anyway.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Post Rapture blues

Saturday, May 21, 2011
Castaway at Wm King

Friday, May 20, 2011
Good Bye

Should the world, as prophesied, come to an end tomorrow, I wish to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for stopping by here occasionally. You've made my last years so much more fun than I would have imagined.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
T.E. Lawrence

Today is the anniversary of the 1935 death of my life long hero Thomas Edward Lawrence, Lawrence of Arabia. Killed in a motorcycle accident, after a quick jaunt to post a letter accepting an invitation to meet Hitler. In response to Lawrence's death the doctor who treated Lawrence went on to invent crash helmets for motorcyclists.
Unlike the scenes from the movie, Lawrence's funeral was held at St.Nicholas and St. Magnus Church in Moreton, Dorset. He is buried in the churchyard.
His effigy shown in the photo was originally planned for St.Paul's in London, which along with Westminster Abbey, and Salisbury Cathedral refused it. It finally ended up at St. Martin's, a 1000 year old Saxon church in Wareham, Dorset, near Lawrence's home.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Canadian Monarchy Election Day

Tuesday, May 17, 2011
What I won, along with an observation
Several weeks ago the blogging world fell quiet as frequent visitor, the irrepressible Jane Schott, The Empress of the Eye vacationed in St. Barth's. While there she picked up a lot of great photos and several really cool reusable shopping bags, which she promptly gave away to lucky readers of her regular peak at life on the other side of the tracks. I was one of the lucky ones.
Many thanks Jane, and those that do not yet follow this dear woman, do so now.
II. The Observation

"Boys wear protective equipment mainly on their upper body — gloves, helmets, mouth guards, light shoulder and arm pads — and wear shorts and cleats on their lower extremities. They look like warriors who are only half-dressed.
Girls dress differently. Their game stresses finesse and is much less physical. They wear no helmets or pads, but do wear distinctive, bug-eye goggles and mouth guards. They look like warriors, too. But because of the goggles, warriors in an insect war.
However well the girls finesse lacrosse, it's still a fast moving fight to the finish. Why no helmets, why no pads? Should girls coaches rethink the helmet rule? Just wondering.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Another way to kill strangers

For those not troubled by such things, man has created another stupid, senseless way to kill us off, a few rich folk at a time. The Terrafugia Transition.
Automobile and airplane in one stylish package. FAA approved, and street legal, with first deliveries scheduled for sometime in July. Set you back around $200,000 US. Gets better than 30 MPG on land and air, which is better than I can attest for our land yacht (although the land yacht hasn't been tested in air).

Saturday, May 14, 2011
view from my window
Friday, May 13, 2011
The Birthaversary
Most importantly, today is also Katy and Gary's fifth wedding anniversary. They were married in a gorgeous beach side service in Cancun, Mexico.
On that most special day I wished them much happiness, and hopes for many splendid years together. I redouble those wishes today. They make a cute couple, and as long as each believes the other is in completely in charge, they will be happy for many years to come.
Happy Anniversary to two of my favorites. They always make me smile.
The cutie in the green dress graduates from high school tomorrow. I can't wait for that show. More later.
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Cool Guy- Burt Bacharach

If you had asked me earlier if I could change anything about my appearance, I would have said I wanted to look like a young Burt Bacharach. Maybe it was the hair.
Burt turns 85 today.

Only saw him perform live once, july 4, 1970
The music playing in the front seat while...
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Don't Panic

Have you ever heard anything on your car radio so funny you had to pull off because you were laughing too hard to see? I have. The first time I heard Douglas Adam's "A HitchHikers Guide to the Galaxy" on public radio. The kids and I were on our way to church and I couldn't go in, I had to hear it through. More than any sermon I'll ever hear, it changed my life. Bits of what I learned appear here fairly often.
Author Douglas Adams was one of those larger than life people for whom the rules for the commonplace rarely applied. His frequent collaborator, John Lloyd described him as "having the brain the size of a planet, but often seems to be living on a different one." Adams was dangerously funny, generous, interested in almost everything, constantly late, and loved the Beatles.
In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
While the cat was away...
Monday, May 9, 2011
Straw Boaters

Sunday, May 8, 2011
High Maintenance