Friends: my muse has been bound, gagged and silenced. One of the many recent upgrades to Blogger has left her unable to speak, comment, harangue, lecture, hector, amuse, cajole and/or elucidate. Blogger has left her mute, and we are not amused.
I know she is not alone, nor is she suffering in silence, however if you have suffered the same indignity, have a useful suggestion beyond publicly commenting on how peaceful things have been lately, SHARE, please, NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She's spitting daggers.
I miss her, although I have saved a fortune in impulse buys, and it has been rather quiet...
Loud and clear, Sir.
Mercury retrograde, sun flares, dog days, take your pick:).
"Blogger has left her unable to speak, comment, harangue, lecture, hector, amuse, cajole and/or elucidate."
"Her" you say?
Which of the ladies in your harem could this muse of yours possibly be? I almost thought it was I. But I never "lecture." I had to look up "harangue" just to be sure on a second count:
1.a scolding or a long or intense verbal attack; diatribe.
2.a long, passionate, and vehement speech, especially one delivered before a public gathering.
3.any long, pompous speech or writing of a tediously hortatory or didactic nature; sermonizing lecture or discourse.
It ain't me!
As I was sayin' It has been so quiet around here lately.
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