I've written before of my fondness of watching rich people at play. Often the settings are near idyllic, the toys exquisite, the charm gushing, the effort posing as non-chalance. It's almost too much to bear.
It's even better when the very rich go slumming, allowing the proles to think the rich are just like them. Dog shows exemplify the "they're just like us" cynicism which does so much to keep the lower orders in their place.
Tonight, is the kick off for the Westminster Dog Show, the World Series, Super Bowl CXLIV, the annual Olympics of the dog world.
Approximately 3500 dogs will compete in best of breed, best in class, best of show categories.

Americans are inbred with the notion that they can grow up to be anything they set their minds to. That same mentality allows anyone with a dog to believe their pet can be Best of Show. On a good day near anything can happen. You and your dog may actually win your local show.

That's not the way to bet though. Westminster entrants have been competing in 2 or 3 shows a week for several years. Amateur Owner/Handlers are competing against professional handlers at every meet.
Amateurs may go to several shows a month. The pro's and judges a dozen. It's all on the up and up but the playing field is not level.
To get into the best of show ring Tuesday night will set you back 6 maybe $700,000, all for practically no return. Start saving. I'll be watching for ya. (Animal Planet 8pm EST)
I get what you mean about the humour to be had in watching the rich play; they make such good charicatures of themselves. However, in this case, better you than me. I think that second poor critter looks hideous. Are there any SPC organisations at these events? I love, love, love dogs and even were these free, you wouldn't catch me in a million miles of a show. I hear the stress brings out the "best" in the owners; God knows what the dogs make of it all.
I always like watching the Westminster. Although, often, the breeds are caricatures of themselves. We especially like watching the corgis.
We'll be watching (it's a household tradition). Did you see that piece in Sunday's NYT? Owners take out advertisements - like political candidates - in breeder magazines. Amazing.
My great-aunt showed terriers at the Westminster. Man, that was a LOT of yapping in her kitchen.
Great post. The only reason my little Papillion won't win is because he won't be there. Also, he would have to be in the heavyweight division!! The Irish Redhead and I watch the Westminster every year. Have you ever watched the hilarious movie sendup about it?
Root for the schnauzer!
I personally cannot stand "breed snob" dog owners such as one finds at Westminster. 2 of my 3 dogs are mutts from a local rescue. There are too many dogs out there who are 1 paw away from euthanasia in shelters so I advocate saving one...and believe me...the dog knows what you have done for them...and I believe they behave accordingly.
Like most of you one of my guilty pleasures is watching the show, although I have posalutely no interest in attending or showing dogs.
So, you'll be watching the show in your family room? Any decisions yet on the redo?
House things, we are very close. I have removed ther gumballs from the can lights,to great effect, and am working through the various recommendation.
Part of my problem is having time away from a baby dog,and lousy weather.
Doncha' love that poster? Trish Biddle really captured it -- bewildered dogs, arrogant dogs, pampered dogs, curious dogs, don't-give-a-damn dogs--they're all there.
I've discovered that having a lap dog is a perfect way to catch sloth. This little thing wants to be out in the snow and cold less than I.
Posalutely? I'd hazard that you've been reading ADG too much, butcept I think you two are birds of a feather.
What you don't have posalutely at your house?
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