Over cocktails Friday evening the question arose, who should play you, in the movie of your life? I stalled for time by asking several qualifying questions. Should they be me as I am, or as I hope to be? The me, as I am now, or when I wasn't so much now?
Your pick, they'll tailor the movie to fit, I was told.
I have two candidates. They are playing some version of me, as I see myself now. Sadly, at least one is dead, but I'm not certain that matters.
I can see the irrepressible Toad portrayed by either Peter Ustinov, or Albert Finney, especially in Uncle Henry mode from A Good Year. Perhaps a later Orson Welles could do me justice.
Who would you like to be you? If only for a movie.
5 days ago
Perhaps not available, but I have to admit a certain, um, draw to Ricky Jay from your previous post. Handsome, devilish glint in his eye. Trouble, and I mean that in a good way. ;-) Don't know if he actually resembles you, but I'm just saying. . .
Maybe if he shaved.
Unfortunately, Mathew Perry, I'm told. We could be twins. Frightening.
For the me I think I am...Daniel Craig...in full 007 glory!
Closest is John Cusak, or so I'm told. Only he's significantly taller. Not a bad thing, I guess.
Cole Porter always thought that Fred Astaire should've played him in "Night and Day." But he also acknowledged that given Cary Grant who would possibly have said "no"?
Oh I should say Lucille Ball with a southern accent.
Holly Hunter the me that I am now or Annie Potts either one would fit both my personality and my size.
The me I would like to be, hum, Lucille Ball. Yes definitly Lucille Ball.
I adore Helen Mirren....in anything.
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