happy Birthday Mr. Clemons. I'm still wraslin with the Autobiography.
Life in the closing days of the empire
One of the world's great marketing scams was perpetuated this morning, when at 12:01 AM Paris time the 2010 vintage Le Beaujolais Nouveau, the first wine of the new harvest, was released to an undeserving public. In the days of the Concorde trendy New York restaurants would have it available for luncheon. Now it may take until dinner, and certainly by Saturday it will appear in your local grocery.
If you have trendy or sophisticated friends you may be invited to a Beaujolais Nouveau party this weekend. I beg you to think this through, or to at least to take proper precautions.
Nouveau Beaujolais is plonk. Before your first sip remember that these grapes were on the vine in September. The less fastidious amongst us have grape juice in the fridge older than this. More experienced readers will recall that vintage Boone's Farm aged longer, as it was aged in transit, by truck from far away.
Still if you can't refuse a good party, I suggest the following. Ladies bring a large purse carrying a bottle of a decent red and substitute liberally. You'll thank yourself in the morning, as NB has an aftertaste not easily dissolved. Gentlemen, this would be a great opportunity to bring a flask, feign illness, and call whatever is inside medicine.
You have been warned, and well advised.