50 years ago this morning the leading light of mid 20th century American Literature was extinguished in Ketchum, Idaho.

Hemingway House-Key West, Florida
For a concise look at why Ernest left so suddenly, take a read at John Walsh's analysis in the Independent.
Hi house is on my bucket list. Have you read The Paris Wife? I have heard it is very good!
Burn every bridge might sum up Hemingway's approach to life - a sad and glorious one. Oddly the article from "The Independent" is one rife with inaccuracies and grammatical errors of the sort which would send Papa into a tirade. Upon learning of his death one of his few fellow authors with whom he was still on good terms wrote "He was a lone scarred tree upon the land for the lightning of living had hit him hard."
I was thinking of Hem and Scott Fitzgerald last night and checking the dates of their work. What a frenzied time to have them burning paper up at the same time. PGT
I just read the chapter on Hemingway in Paul Johnson's Intellectuals.
I will read the article, I loved Hemingway's A Moveable Feast so much!
Art by Karena
I read an article yesterday in the NYTimes about Hemingway and how he thought the feds were spying on him. He wasn't entirely wrong. I don't have the link handy, but the article - an opinion piece - was interesting reading.
Have a Happy 4th.
Hotchner's bok is the best...and pappa's passing was a sad event...
Papa and F. Scott. 'nuf said.
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