We've been together 3 years now, It feels, in many ways like yesterday. My intent was to share some of what was on my mind, old family stories and some bits of news and gossip with my far flung offspring. I never imagined anyone else would ever read these pages.
I'm gladdened and humbled you're here. Everyday I'm astonished by your generosity and willingness to share your knowledge.
Below is my first post. Not much I would or will I change, 'cept maybe to throw Charlie in periodically. Thank you each and every one of you.
Blogs have long fascinated and scared me. I have wondered where in the world people found so much to say. How such interesting people had the time or the inclination to share their lives with the masses. Frankly, I felt inadequate. My life isn't that full.
However, I do have a few things to share, and I hope as time passes we each do our bit to make this world the best of all possible worlds.
I promise to rarely rant. I am no Howard Beale. I promise not to preach. Frankly, I just don't care enough. Free advice is rarely received and never welcome.
Over time I'll tell more about myself, my family, life in Mayberry, Ted the wonder dog, and how if I were king the world might be a different place.
I look forward to sharing time with you.
5 hours ago
You bring much to the blogosphere and I, for one, enjoy your blog very much.
Best Regards,
Toad, I always enjoy your posts. I may not comment often but you are an everyday must read!
Congratulations on your anniversary!
Toad Happy Blog Anniversary! I do enjoy reading you and first found you through Mrs B.....it is amazing the friends we find through our blogging.
Art by Karena
Happy Blogiversary! Congratulations!
Happy anniversary Sir!
Congratulations and keep up the great work! I always enjoy coming by...
Congratulations Toad. It's lovely to have you round these parts.
Wouldn't be the same (wasn't) without you. This is a spot I treasure. Thank you for the last three years.
I start each day with you, Toad...you old curmudgeon, you. After reading you blog for so long now, I can't really refer to you as an "old curmudgeon" either. You've a soft spot for the deer that eat your plants, your children, your car, your pool, your town....and the softest spot of all is reserved for your lovely, Mrs. T....even though she does make you shave.
Here's to another three.
I've been reading your posts for over a year and enjoyed them very much. Keep punching those keys.
Many thanks to each of you, I love you all. I've had a tear in my eye all day.
Gail, I'm glad to see you are still around. You have been awfully quiet lately.
I'll enjoy each post for as long as you can do it.
Happy blogiversary!
Congrats! I start every morning with you and treasure our time together!
Thanks so much for the time you put into your blog, I enjoy it so very much.
It makes me happy to 'know' people, I'd likely never encounter IRL.
I'm late to wish you a happy blogiversary, but best wishes. You inspire me to keep trying.
Happy 3rd anniversary! A little belated but hearfelt nonetheless!
I have enjoyed each and every one of your delightfully amusing posts and look forward to all you have coming our way in the future!
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