PIG!!!!!!!!!! Go ahead and shout it, I've been called worse. Today even.
I've nothing against the pretty young things, but there's no mutual risk and I simply have no interest. I find them terribly overrated. Take Queen2be Kate for instance. Cute girl. Cleans up well. I hope Kate, the lad and their islanders are eternally happy.
I'm more taken by her mum, Carole. She's hot...as well as smart.
Just saying.
I don't understand why anyone would call you 'pig'. I've also noticed that Kate's mother was attractive. Stands to reason, doesn't it?
If you are a pig, then please allow me to join you in the sty.
But she chews gum...and not discretely.
I hope Kate is as level-headed as she is attractive. There will be a lot of pressure, but only if she allows it. Kate is in an enviable position that I hope she makes the most of.
I find Kate incredibly attractive - beautiful actually!
You were called a name worse than "pig" today? How can that be? Was it because the name-caller thought Carole was not as "hot" as Kate? Or because a married man should not be lusting after women in general, especially in public? Or because a certain blogger keeps posting glamorous women on his world-wide-internet blog, thereby risking the good opinion of his wife and family? REPENT!
Suburban P says Carole chews gum, and that's just plain bad. But then Kate is using more mascara than Priscilla Presley ever did. Carole has the worst eyebrow wax I've ever seen, and that hair is desperate for a shape up and conditioner. Great legs on both of them, though, world class.
Signed, Piglet
Flo, some say I blasphemed. I contend I was merely provoked.
I don't know about hot (not being able to see this from your viewpoint) but I have heard she is called The Meddling Middleton. I imagine the Queen will take care of that in short order.
If history is any guide, Carole's only chance to see the Royals is at the wedding, and a slim maybe at a christening.
Toad - you are always good for a chuckle!
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