via Bentley Magazine
AskMen.Com provided a poll of the most desirable women of 2011. Naturally, it stung that I couldn't identify 7 of the 10 finalists, but I take solace in repeating "it's not meant for me", while recalling the Dorothy Parker quip, "if all the nominees were laid end to end, ..." So, taking up the gauntlet thrown by Flo, combined with your contributions, let's play our own game.
Who makes up the most desirable male/female top 10 list of 2011?
Here's the criteria. All nominees must be either breathing or still warm, and old enough to buy their own drinks. Obviously, you and your spouse/significant other lead the lists. Beyond that the field's clear.
(Editorial comment) I suspect that Mr. Clooney may be near the top of the men's list, but fear he's in danger of becoming a cliche, just saying. Mel Gibson is not allowed to play today.
Here, to keep you on point, are some suggestions:
Top Women
Lauren Hutton
The other nominees, in no particular order:
Linda Evans
Cameron Diaz
Ali MacGraw
Carla Bruni
Top Men- in no order whatsoever
Bryan Ferry
Jeremy Irons
Jeremy Irons
Marco Pierre White
Bjorn Borg
Rafael Nadal
Luciano Barbera
Johnny Depp
Tony Bourdain
Tom Wolfe, Jr.
I'm startled by how much easier the men's list was to conjure than the women's. Obviously, my votes are clouded by how they were, maybe not so much by how they are. I now turn the table over to you.
Why isn't the gorgeous Penelope Cruz mentioned? She is 36 --- but who is counting when she looks fabulous always?
As for men, perhaps I am addicted to NCIS on TV, but I would take Mark Harmon, the lead and older, home --- well, in my dreams anyhow.
I agree about Mark Harmon.
My picks,
Cybill Shepherd
Blythe Danner
Sophia Loren
Lauren Hutton (My #1)
Jacklyn Bisset
Sean Connery
Steve McQueen
Tommy Lee Jones
Michael Caine
Mark Harmon
I really like your list about men James. I'd add Alan Rickman and Gary Oldman, though.
Dan Stevens/Matthew - Downton Abbey
Hugh Laurie/House - House
Bjorn Borg [in stands last year at Wimbledon]
Eric Clapton [in 'Unplugged' video]
Shemar Moore/Derek - Criminal Minds
Ultimate Desirable Male Award = Archibald Cox
Julie Christie
Diane Sawyer
Penelope Cruz
Diane Keaton
Lisa Edelstein/Cuddy - House
Ultimate Desirable Female Award = Dominique Browning [although I hope she gets over the long hair thing]
PS Uh oh. I think I broke the still breathing rule. My Ultimate Male is no longer breathing, but I adore him on every level, a few of the levels being the alone on desert island, the stuck in an elevator, the one night stand, the integrity, the smarts, the lack of vanity, the house, the clothes, the haircut, the serious demeanor, the body, the Oedipal reminds me of my Dad factor....
Mr. McQueen falls off James list as well.
Cybil and Dominique were both on my mind.
I do not idolize entertainers or surface beauty. Haven't had a television set in years and years.
Can we change the criteria to a less shallow ideal?
DT the criteria is breathing. The current list includes actors, sports, food, authors. We anxiously await your list.
"DT the criteria is breathing."
The criteria includes Breathing, but I thought the main one was Desirable, ie What human being in our culture represents Desirable to you?
Helen Mirren. Catherine Deneuve. Faye Dunnaway. But keep your hands off Lauren; i asked her first. sb, lr.
Oh, yeah, i forgot: Steenbergen. Anne Archer. Jane Alexander. sb, lr.
Gutted that I'm not on the list.... have me own teeth and wellies...outraged from rural UK!
None of the men are acceptable... where's John Hurt? But totally agree with Lauren Hutton
I like for the ladies (a very quick list):
* Actress Selma Hayek
* Actress Rashida Jones
* Singer Beth Rowley --> Have a listen here:
* Actress Audrey Tautou
* And, to match Ms. Flo's Archie Cox, I'll nominate Jeane Kirkpatrick (gawd, i miss her something fierce)
For the men:
* Auteur Wes Anderson
* Businessman James Murdoch
* Actor Hugh Jackman
* Hon. Paul Ryan
* Arch. Frank Gehry
Lou, you fit in this category: Obviously, you and your spouse/significant other lead the lists.
Anon,how about Angelica Huston?
Okay, now we must define "desirable", I suppose. It matters. I was hoping to include quadrupeds. That's why.
I am a married woman. I stopped looking at other human beings as "desirable" when I met my husband!
That being said, I fear I am no good at this game. I think I will play Chutes and Ladders with my daughter instead!
Sorry Toad when I got around to making my list I forgot.
"I fear I am no good at this game."
Maybe a quick turn-around of sorts would help. Unless my eyes deceive, have you not chosen a photo of Angelina Jolie to serve as your blog profile photo? Do you not find something 'desirable' about Ms. Jolie, enough to have selected and downloaded her photo to your blog?
If my eyes HAVE deceived me, then I owe you an apology along with a heavy dose of envy that you are as lovely as Ms. Jolie!
Flo, this is me, not her. Thank you for the compliment, though.
I know I come across as a stick in the mud. I blame it on the lousy weather. Can women be curmudgeons?
I nominate Hugh Grant and Roger Federer. As for the women, I would propose Juliette Binoche and Helena Christensen.
"I know I come across as a stick in the mud. I blame it on the lousy weather. Can women be curmudgeons?"
Nahhh. I am allowed to be a curmudgeon, yes; but anyone who looks like you is NOT permitted to be one. Damn.
I think I'll add Steve Jobs to my list before I turn in for the night. Fascinating man.
OMG -- how could i have forgot Annette Benning? sb, lr.
For me there only needs to be one man on the list...Alec Baldwin.
Women...Helen Mirren and Sharon Stone (tho she is a little wackadoodle I would be content to look as good as she does when I am her age!).
Took me a while to come up with a list. Like DT I don't really think about people that way anymore. I have to say I think these people are 'pretty'. I'd have to be acquainted with them to tell you if they were 'desirable':
Gwyneth Paltrow
Renee Zellwegger
Carla Bruni
Helen Mirren
Helena Bonham Carter
Colin Firth
Hugh Jackman
Mark Harman
Daniel Day Lewis
David Beckham
If I had to do this very often, I'd think I was back in high school...
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