Saturday, January 25, 2014

rabbie burns day

It's Robert Burns Day, the birthday of Scotland's favorite poet, and holder of the title Greatest Ever Scot. Robby can be a tough slog.  His disdain of the de'ils tongue makes it hard for a Yank to get worked up over a mouse or a haggis.

But take the time to listen to Mr. Burns.  Many of his greatest hits are on You Tube.  Hear several versions of the same work by different artists.  For your troubles you'll meet a old poet who speaks eloquently to modern concerns.

His song, Is There for Honest Poverty better known as "A Man's a Man for A' That" was selected as opening anthem for the Scottish Parliament.

Tis said Bobby wasn't much of a singer, that may help explain Auld Lang Syne.  Here is the tune as Burns intended.

Happy Birthday Mr. Burns and to Scots everywhere. Enjoy a wee dram in celebration, just make mine Hendricks. The gin that made Scotland famous.


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