both photos: Jak and Jill
Ladies, let us dumb boys in on a girl secret please. The audience here is approx 50/50 boys to girls. The scruffier half will spend many of their waking hours comparing notes with their scruffy companions. Save us and the sisterhood some grief, save us from ourselves.
It's holiday shopping season and I see clueless guys roaming the malls in search of what is hoped will be the perfect gift for the woman in their life. Leather goods are heavily advertised, perhaps a purse would be just the ticket.

Pretending the season's "it bag" is unavailable, should men just keep on walking (my vote) and avoid this minefield altogether, or is this an opportunity to pay attention, observe and learn more about the women in their life?
For instance, does a woman ever change the style of her go to, everyday bag? Could/should she be persuaded to update her choice? Color choice depends upon.....
Guys pay attention.
You have walked into a minefield, haven't you? Not that I'm a fashionista or anything, but in general I would say that if I wanted to change something, I would want to make that choice myself, not be given my new style as a surprise. If someone were going to spring a surprise on me, best keep it to something inexpensive in case I don't like it. I always go for wishlists, as specific as they can be, ie, a link to the item on the internet. Much safer. Small suprises - or huge ones (trip to Paris?) are best, I think.
Wait-- what? You can't read my mind? I know it's not fair. Wish lists really are the way to go, and I ask for them from my family, but I usually fail to produce a meaningful one for myself. Trust me, I'm not self-less; I'm just generally embarrassed at putting down in writing the pretty, useless (and sometimes pretty useless)things I think I want. Just don't give me a vacuum cleaner, or car visors. Even though I need them.
Take her to Tiffany and let her pick out her own gift.
Handbags are extremely personal to ladies, so unless I've told Hubs exactly what I wanted, I would prefer he not go the purse route. I don't understand the confusion of a gift. This is your spouse, you should clearly know her likes and dislikes. As an avid reader, I'm thrilled beyond words to receive a hefty gift card from Barnes & Noble. Hubs does that every year and I adore it.
It's a lovely gesture. Let her pick it out, though. When she says "That's the one I want, that one right there." simply complete the purchase, have it wrapped, and put it under the tree.
The minefield only begins when you want her to have something she doesn't really want.
I would just ask her what she wants or take her shopping and let her pick something. That way there will be no looks of disappointment on Christmas morning. If a man has a woman in his life who wont give him any help at all, wants him to pick it on his own, like some sort of relationship test, he is best to stick with bubble bath and let her buy her own accessories.
A handbag from a maker my husband knows I love, with a gift receipt tucked inside would be A-OK with me.
A list? What charmed lives your husbands lead.
Any savvy woman would drop a heavy hint. This, of course, requires paying attention. Actually listening when we are talking. Short that, a list would be a good idea. I never encourage going out on an untried limb unless the diamonds are very large.
A list?!?!
Cripes, and I always thought a thoughtful surprise was a sure fire hit.
Oh, right-- the women posting comments here are averse to a pair of leopard Jimmy Choo stilettos, a Chloe bag and a nicely wrapped gift receipt? Not in this life....
Giuseppe - as long as the surprise is what I have had my heart set on :O)
I just buy my own presents and hubby wraps them. On Christmas morning everyone is happy.
What the minefield looks like:
"...a pair of leopard Jimmy Choo stilettos, a Chloe bag and a nicely wrapped gift receipt"
If my husband gave me Jimmy Choo stilettos and a Chloe bag, I would assume his girlfriend had my gifts.
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