Tuesday, June 28, 2011

goggles and the drivers test

Vanity they name is .....

Missouri has an extra special birthday gift for its citizens. Your drivers license expires on your birthday. Mrs. T's drivers license was scheduled to expire Sunday, and her anxiety of passing the eye exam was something to witness. She fretted about it for weeks.

I've worn glasses most of my life, without them I can barely see the ground. My child bride has never worn goggles and although she is fighting an eye infection, and can no longer read a menu without strong light and longer arms, that counts for nothing. She find a reading eye dog before she would not allow her license to be besmirched by any "need for corrective lens" restriction.

Occasionally I'd hear her mutter, "I wonder what's on the test. Maybe if I listen closely to the person in front of me and memorize the answer..." I'd reply, "I believe you know the answers, A, B, C, D" Judging by the abuse heaped on me, I was not a help.

Her big day came Friday. Armed with 3 forms of identification and a passing knowledge of her ABC's, Mrs. T arrived at the DMV office prepared for battle. The examiner verified her address, took her photo and check, printed her new license and never once administered an eye test. Instantly, the sky cleared and all was right with the world.

She lives a charmed life.



Shelley said...

But can she actually see what she needs to see? Let's hope the 'charm' extends to vulnerable pedestrians, cyclists and dogs out there, not to mention other cars, telephone poles and trees. Soft contact lenses are pretty easy these days, you know.

Barbara said...

She DOES lead a charmed life. I never gave the eye test a thought and flunked it for the first time last year.
The only thing that's annoying is remembering to put glasses on to drive at night.

Anonymous said...

I never gave the eye test a second thought either, it's the *&#@?%* photo that sends me over the edge.

David V said...

My lovely wife fretted for months before her renewal. She was to take the written test. She studied the state driving manual daily. On the day of the Big Event we drove to the license facility, waited a short while before she was called up. They took her money, gave her the eye test and told her she didn't need to take the written test. She has a big, bright smile in her license photo.

Patsy said...

I thought I would fail the eye exam on my last birthday as well - passed with flying colors and my new BFF at the Registry allowed me to keep my 10 year old photo. Best birthday ever!

LPC said...

That she does. I am just fine with the way I look these days. You know why? Because I don't look at myself with glasses on. And when I see photos, and I am wearing the glasses as I almost always do, or I see them perched atop my head, I think, "Why do I bother with everything else? It's the glasses, stupid:)."