Saturday, April 23, 2011

Doc Ellis and the LSD No-No

Any Pittsburgh kids around? Remember Doc Ellis? Doc was a pitcher for the Pirates in the late 60's, early 70's, a free spirit, a product of his age. He pitched a no hitter one night in San Diego. Here's Doc's story of that special day. A throwback to simpler times.

Thanks Bunky,


Free Kansas said...

Thank you Toad.

Jane Kilpatrick Schott said...

This is just fantastic! I remember hearing about this...thank you Toad. This is such a great memory. I remember something called "Window Pane Acid" from those days. My brain would run out of my mouth if it were around today! LOL!

sue in mexico mo said...

Did you have storm last night?

Toad said...

Sue, it stormed all around us, but save for a bit of rain we pretty much missed it.

sue in mexico mo said...

Good to hear. Lots of St. Louis not so lucky.