Ever notice how the virtuous desperately want to tell you how long they've been virtuous?
I noticed this about some people. I guess I started observing this behavior after I stopped drinking, began helping little old ladies across the street, volunteering at church, watching my language, well let me see it has been about four years now. I forget, what were we discussing? Douglas
All God's chillins gossa get they needs met, theirs is to display their deeds in front of others, like maybe if they didn't display, they/their deeds would be invisible. So the next question is: do they also need our validation for their virtue? I hope not.
An irregular conversation about what's on my mind, observations on human nature, the decline of civility, and the ways men and women see the world differently.
I noticed this about some people. I guess I started observing this behavior after I stopped drinking, began helping little old ladies across the street, volunteering at church, watching my language, well let me see it has been about four years now. I forget, what were we discussing?
Yes, and I am especially proud of my humility.
All God's chillins gossa get they needs met, theirs is to display their deeds in front of others, like maybe if they didn't display, they/their deeds would be invisible. So the next question is: do they also need our validation for their virtue? I hope not.
I read or heard somewhere that if you tell someone about a good deed done, it doesn't count.
Especially when they have been virtuous for longer than you have.
We have found the nexxus of virtuous and sanctimonious...
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