Please forgive me while I foment heresy.
At the urging of The Elegantologist and others, Mrs. T and I sat down to watch Julie and Julia over the weekend. After the first several minutes I had this vision, that won't go away. Perhaps you have it too.
Didn't you feel you were watching John Cleese as Julia and Meg Ryan as Julie?
Just saying.
BTW the newly single Ms. Powell has a new book out in time for the holidays. It's been skewered by most critics, but I wish her well.
I felt like Amy Adams was channeling Meg Ryan the entire time. But I did not find her section of the story engaging. Her book was worse. The Julia Child pieces I adored. Even Streep. But I see your point.
Meg Ryan certainly would've done a better job as Julie Powel! I found the Amy Adams scenes painful to watch!
I had no idea Julie Powel is now single!
Having taught myself to cook with "Mastering" (I could not scramble eggs before) I found the first Julie Powell book a wretched disappointment.
I thought Meryl Streep was the saving grace of the film - I wish the other storyline was omitted entirely.
I have to agree with laurelstreet. The entire Julie character should have been left on the cutting room floor.
I haven't seen the movie, but I did enjoy the book. I felt sorry for her husband, though.
Just made me want to move back to France and enroll at Le Cordon Bleu. Or head for the butcher and a duck... hope you enjoyed most of it.
thought Meryl Streep was the saving grace of the film - I wish the other storyline was omitted entirely.
Work from home India
Foment away my friend...that was funny.
Too funny! For the record, I did like the film. It also inspired me to get my hands on a Julia Childs cook book, why in the world don't I own one. Blasphemy!
I like Amy Adams and would watch her in anything. Or nothing.
Her book was worse. The Julia Child pieces I adored.
Wagyu Steaks
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