Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy 2013 and a new resolution

I'm not going to do it.  You can't make me. I refuse.  I won't.

Each year on this day I offer the greatest New Year's resolution and make it available for you to claim as your very own.  It's powerful, it's inexpensive, it will change your life.  It's o easy that no one does it, which is a shame. If you are new here, and/ or curious you can find it here.  I still recommend it. Sorry about the missing photo. I accidently deleted my blog photo file once upon a time.

What I will do is offer each and all my new resolution.  Work this year to enjoy yourself more.  One of the most frequent regrets of the dying is that they worked too hard on stuff that was ultimately BS, and didn't pay enough attention to their spouse, their children, their family and their communities. Turn off your  smartphone and home computer until the kids go to bed.  You'll survive.

Finally, Happy Birthday Mary.  The party was Sunday, her big day yesterday. It was a wonderful experience, even better if you waited for the 90+ yo's to clear the parking lot before you. Quite a few are still driving.

Happy 2013, thanks for sharing it will us.


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