Monday, December 31, 2012

Hogmany 2012

As Barry Manilow sang, it looks like we've made it.  We've lived to celebrate Hogmany once again.

Hogmany is the Scottish end of the year celebration.  Hogmany it's a party, it's fun, so is obviously not of Scottish origin.  Most likely, wandering Norse tour guides searching for warmer winters happened upon the south of Scotland not long after a winter solstice. Believing they were in Miami, the Norse donned masks to protect their fair skin from the harsh Florida sun and took to drink.  Masks, drink....lasses. Word got back home and the annual migration and bacchanal became custom. Never did figure out they weren't in the US.

The festival is as ancient as the hills.  While custom and tradition have evolved, Hogmany celebrations derive from human's need to occasionally let loose.  Deep within the DNA of humans everywhere is the need to break the solitude of the cold months, restoring mental health to those who live close to the land.  The Church of Scotland, which for over 400 years gave Christmas celebrations a miss, reluctantly turned a blind eye to a holiday celebrated on a state holiday.  

My family, a bit to the west of Scotland, didn't need such a flimsy excuse to celebrate.  They partied just because.  The masks, drink...lasses were a lagniappe.

Celebrate hard my friends, you've earned it,  we'll leave the light on for ya.  AND WATCH FOR DEER!!!!!!

Happy end of 2M12 and welcome 2M13.



  1. Reading this causes me to ask if you've met Tabitha.

    If not, "Toad, meet Tabitha", "Tabitha, this is the delightful Toad". I'm sure she would say "How do you do?"

    Best wishes for 2013, Toad; thanks for your blog!

  2. thank you I've been reading the divine Tabitha for a long while now. The Suburban Princess is a true Scot as well.

    Eddie showed up as a lark, I've no idea why.

    Thank you for the intro, and best wishes to you and yours as well. Thank you for being here

  3. Thanks for that pipe rendition...stirring. Happy New Year Sir!

  4. Happy New Year! May 2013 be happy, healthy, and deer-free!

  5. Happy happy happy New Year to you Toad! And thank you for your consistent civility and humor.

    We're Scottish, in the ways that Americans of centuries in-country are anything but American and keep insisting on their ancestry:). At least we know that tartans as attributed these days are kind of pretend, right? All the best to you and yours.

  6. Happy Hogmanay! I picked up some haggis for tomorrow, I will try to remember to take photos for the blog.

    I've got my husband lined up to first foot anyone who needs luck for the new year - and my parents have steak pie and roasties ready for tomorrow's dinner.

    All that's missing is a bottle of Babycham!

  7. SP. I was rereading one of Bill Maher's book last night. It was his suggestion that American haggis was the hot dog. Just saying.
