Sunday, June 13, 2010

Nupts-a most irregular series

I'm a sucker for a great love story, so in honor of my nephew's nupts next weekend, I have resurrected one of my favorite series.

These are excerpts from the June 13, 2010 NYT.

I haven't paid attention lately, but I am glad to see the Times has reverted to publishing the banns of those at all levels of the meritocracy. What is also obvious, and admittedly the survey sample is skewed, is that hard times continue for ordained ministers. A very large percentage of the listed weddings were officiated by relatives who wrote a check for their ordination papers.

I clearly understand couples not wishing church weddings, but to buy ordination papers is not only disrespectful to members of the cloth, but trivializes religious belief. Why can't all states,allow ANYONE to marry via the Colorado plan.

Nicki and Roni:Love can strike anywhere. For Nicki and Roni it got em at the post office. Nicki had briefly caught Roni's eye on the streets on NY. An hour later they were in line together picking up packages at the local Post Office.

Guys beware of this, in my heart I truly believe women really believe this. Be on your guard. I quote Nicki,"I thought I had missed my opportunity on the street corner, and now I had seen it as a sign that the two of us were supposed to meet that day because we were getting a second chance."

Believe it or not, romance ensued from that chance encounter. In March 2009, Roni walked her back to the same PO, walked to the same pick up window, dropped to one knee and proposed. Nicki accepted.

Amanda and Brad:This is double weird.

Amanda lived in Boston, Brad in NY. Mutual friends introduced them at a Halloween Party in NY in 2006, where they found an immediate connection. In 2008, Amanda moved to NY supposedly for her career, more likely to grease the skids for their future wedding.

The kids parents met in January 2007. Upon their introduction, the brides father asked the grooms mother, "don't I know you from somewhere?" They couldn't find the connection.

During one of those 3 AM Aha ah moments dad realized they dated in college. Wouldn't that give you the heebies? The bride to be saw it as kismet.

Farhanna and Andre: Times are tight, and you need to find work where you can get it to support your family. Take Andre for instance. He is a local city councilman, interim director of student recruitment at Bergen Community College, adjunct history professor at William Patterson University, and an adjunct psychology professor at Passaic CC.

Kahdijah and Kandar: Kahdijar's (Candy jar?) daddy and his brother Kool had a band. Remember them? No, they didn't perform, but dad did walk her down the aisle, and yes they did play Celebration when the couple was announced at the reception.

It's easy to get caught up in the gloom during these troubling times. The optimism of these young people is heart warming. May they always be as happy as Mrs. T and I.



  1. I got ordination papers years ago and I dont see it as disrespectful to the cloth since people who use them perform non-religious ceremonies. They simply allow for the legal aspects to be covered. When I got married we didn't want any religion but we did need someone who was legally able to marry us - so we found someone who was ordained but not connected to any church or religion. This meant the parents were satisfied that we were married by a 'minister' and we didn't have to feel like hypocrites to do it. I have never heard of anyone having to pay for ordination papers tho!

    As for second husband and I connected the dots and realised we were at the same Christmas party when we were children and we were about 10 feet away from each other at a hockey game in high school. We didn't meet until we were in our 30's.

  2. Sir Toad,
    This morning my son told me, "Toad made a list of all the things he wants to do today." In my *not yet had my coffee* stupor, it took me a minute to realize he was referring to the Toad from Arnold Lobel's "Frog and Toad", not you.

    Thank goodness! I was afraid you had come to visit and I forgot about you in the basement. ;-)

  3. J: I've been in worse places.

    SP: my misstated point is that the process has become flawed when to personalize a wedding Cousin Bill is allowed to mail a check, and receive ordination. The process, not the person is disrespectful.

    Weddings are a subset of contract law, and should be treated as such.

  4. But I dont think you need to pay to be ordained...I dont recall ever having to send in any money.

  5. I agree with your point about 'being disrespectful to those of the cloth'. Just wouldn't be the same for me to be married by Aunt Sylvia or Cousin Jeff. Loved the love stories. You must of sensed many of us could use something heart wrenching to jog our senses. Thanks Toad and yes, may they all (may us all) be as happy as you & your Mrs. ( :
