Friday, February 14, 2014

St. Valentines Day

As I have become older I've become more sanguine about St. Valentines Day.  Once, to my mind, it was simply a Hallmark holiday, now in my own way I have come to embrace it, but in more a Sammy Cahn "the second time around" sort of way than a teenage romcom.

I embrace it because it is good to take a day to remind each other that:

It's also good to remember that St. Valentine's day isn't only for couples, it is for memories too. Awful things may have happened to really great people in our lives, and while we miss them we wouldn't have missed the ride for the world.

 O Canada by Joyce Wieland*

For St. Valentines Day 2014 instead of  puppy love wishes I thank you for being here and wish you happiness, peace, contentment and freedom from bigotry.  Give your loved ones a hug for me.

*  To make this print, Wieland put on greasy lipstick and pressed her lips onto a clean lithography stone, forming the syllables of the Canadian national anthem. The piece plays with ideas of feminism and nationalism. The “O” in the title is repeated in the shape of the lips, suggesting both fervent patriotism and a kind of eroticism. 


  1. Thank you for being here.
    Happy Valentine's Day to you and Mrs. T.

  2. Thank you for acknowledging the true name of the feastday of St. Valentine just as St. Patrick receives always his true name of Saint...too many forget why we have St. Valentine's Day...a bishop and a martyr, n'est ce pas?

    Also enjoyed your blog on the history of St. Louis. My neice in Charlotte, N.C. has an adopted son whom she name Louie in honour of the King of France. Also her son was born in New Orleans.
    Sylvia Faye

  3. Worse things could happen than being born in NOLA I suspect.

    St. Louis was an interesting guy and product of his age. Modernists may not give him a star on the walk of fame but he is not king of france today.

  4. A refreshing view of the day and how we might approach it. Thank you!

    Best Regards,

    Heinz-Ulrich von B.

  5. Happy Valentines Day. Luv U! - KT

  6. Gail, in northern CaliforniaFebruary 14, 2014 at 6:10 PM

    Thank you so very much, Toad. It is we who should be thanking you for bringing us such joy each and every day. It is what brings joy.

    When my sweet David could no longer walk long enough to shop for anything, he made valentines for me on the computer. They are some of the most precious cards I ever received.

  7. Gail I've been thinking of you all day, and wishing it would rain for you

  8. Wow, my husband went nuts over my Valentine for him this year [consisting of your pic in the top frame, and that bit of Lear from O&P which you shared]. I printed the pic on parchment, trimmed it leaving only enough space to pen in the Lear passage.] He hasn't stopped raving but his ultimate compliment was "THIS goes in The Archives!" The Archives being the name we gave to our treasured cache of past love tokens.

    Thank you, kind sir!


  9. My night stand, or archives as I've now learned is my "what to save in the fire". I'm glad everyone enjoyed O&P

  10. Gail, in northern CaliforniaFebruary 15, 2014 at 10:01 AM

    Thank you, Toad. Yes. It is very serious here. Although we've had some rain recently, it is nowhere near normal. Usually, we enjoy some fairly heavy rainfall in the months of February, March...sometimes even April...but we're already halfway through February with only one storm. Keep thinking good thoughts!
