Sunday, November 17, 2013

Questions without answers

1.  If you were alive then, the events of November 23, 1963 are forever seared in your memory. I remember the day well, but for one very large gap.

I was in grade school in suburban Kansas City then.  That fateful Friday was a school holiday and for the life of me I don't know why. I can't even hazard a guess.

2.  Thanksgiving 1963 came 3 days after the president's burial.  Was there ever a drearier holiday.

3.  Brennan's in New Orleans RIP

Family squabbles have closed the joint, at least for the time being.  Once lawyers are called in to settle family matters, things rarely turn out for the good.

I always liked Brennans but would have enjoyed it more were it half its size.  The food was good, but the restaurant was always too busy, and tables too rushed to truly enjoy your stay.  Made a great bloody mary however.

4. Today is Ms. Hutton's birthday. Let us rejoice and be glad.

5. Lost and Found:  The good news and bad news of moving are much the same.  In our case we cleared out a lot of stuff we wouldn't have otherwise.  Everyday, I ask my bride or she'll ask me, "have you seen the...".  No.

Prior to moving we  rented storage in a franchise "we'll keep your stuff" place. With eyes wide open I personally loaded our books, file cabinets and some Christmas decorations first thing into that space.  The next day we buried our treasures with furniture, fully believing we'd empty it, certainly by now.

It's likely we will continue to rent storage forever. I'm torn between unloading and reloading our space or renting the space next door, and with knowledge and forethought moving.  Neither appeals.

To compound the fun I have been ordered to make room in the garage for Mrs. T's car before the weather turns.  Can you picture my week?



  1. toad, did you keep the bentley, the convertible BMW and the BMW wagon?

  2. The wagon is my daily, the convertible has gone away, and Camilla is having money thrown at her.

  3. I was in grade school. We were sitting on the floor in front of the TV having our Spanish lesson when another teacher came in and switched the station to the news. Then we were all sent home.

    My ex-husband and his youngest brother rented a storage space when they got their share of the inherited stuff from their mother's estate. The valuable stuff was largely portable: china by Limoges, Meissen or Wedgewood, some jewelery, etc. What always stuck with me was that they paid rent for something like 10 years to store a bunch of books that got moldy and to keep "Moxie's couch", Moxie being a long-haired long gone (incontinent) dachshund. I count it as one of my life long lessons not to rent storage for anything I wouldn't buy all over again - several times.

  4. Shelly I am in total agreement. The goodwill truck needs to come and clear all this crap out immediately. I simply don't see it happening, until the monthly bill begins to hurt. Not for another few months at least
