Friday, July 19, 2013

Be careful of what you wish for part 3

Over time Mrs. T and I have evolved a division of labor which works for us. Outside projects fall under my purview. Inside issues most likely will become my problem and I'm to keep out of the kitchen and grocery store. Obviously, I'm being simplistic. Mrs. T's list is far more comprehensive, just not as obvious. However we break up the tasks our plate is full.

For better or worse, we are not farmers with large plots of ground ripe for plucking. As best as I can determine there are no North American farmers, ranchers or sod busters in our family tree, especially near Mayberry. Instead, we have an old, hillside house too large for a family of 2 and their 2 dogs, on a couple of acres of land in a neighborhood being repurposed. We also have a next door neighbor who is a property developer. It was he who knocked on our door.

Paraphrasing Edward Lear, speaking for Owl, our neighbor inquired "Dear Toad, are you willing to sell for one shilling Your house?' Said Toad, 'I will.' And so we did. Now we are, as real estate agents say, "right-sizing".

Last weekend while you lounged at the pool, we stored most of our things and moved 3 blocks into an apartment which is 25% the size of our former home. Mrs. T and I met at this complex 17 years ago, we have fond memories, and are happy to begin our new adventure. Monday afternoon we put an offer on a condo, a bird fly mile away from our former neighborhood. If all goes well, in a month or so we can move again. We live in interesting times, the future is bright and I'm excited.

I may never ride the iron horse again.



  1. Toad, I imagine with your new chapter in life you will have more time to write and we faithful readers will be grateful.

  2. Anon@12:22, how perfectly said. I concur with my glass in the air, here's to you Mr. and Mrs. T!

    All smiles,


  3. The internet man just left. A week without entertainment has taken its toll

  4. How exciting! Sending all good wishes your way.

  5. Oh my gosh! I hope this is all nothing but good for the both of you!

  6. Wow stop anxiously awaiting next post stop

  7. You have the right attitude Toad and coming from some one who has downsized from 2,100 to 800 WITHOUT a storage until, in time it will be bliss...yes, it will.

  8. I'm SO looking forward to a possible series in the offing: Tales of the Condo Board, in which Toad is casually approached by a board member, asked if he'd be willing to serve, the words "how hard could it be?" pass across his moving lips, and a new series is born!

    -Old Faithful

  9. How exciting! Here's to a smooth move!

  10. Congratulations and wishes for happiness in your new
    lily pad.
