Tuesday, March 26, 2013


 Let us give thanks that a proper straw hat was eventually located but too late for it to make its debut at Galatoire's.  There is a heap of snow out my backdoor which will likely postpone spring for a week or so.  Photos may have to wait until after Easter.  Today brings a quick reminder of the anniversary of events past, while I recover from too much New Orleans.

Today is the 102nd birthday of local boy Thomas (Tennessee) Lanier Williams.  We covered his St. Louis roots last year.  Newcomers may catch up here. The year before I discovered his burial place, not terribly far from my grandparents.  That tale may is located here.

On a sadder note, John Kennedy Toole died on this date in 1969.  Toole, the author of A Confederacy of Dunces, won the Pulitzer Prize 10 years after his death for his tome. We honor his achievement each year on this date and give thanks for the quintessential New Orleans novel.     

Again many thanks for your well wishes.  There's no place like home!


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