Sunday, January 27, 2013

Odds and Ends

Sometimes in life a guy just gets lucky. I've met some wonderful people via this blog, but none more so than my personal enabler ADG, better known to many of you as Maxminimus. We've met in person several times, spoken on the phone a couple of more times, and email each other once a week or so, yet whenever/however we gather, I discover more and more, just how much we have in common.

Today is the birthday of my brother from other parents. While he doesn't look a day over 35, I believe that he turns 70 today, going on 15. His enthusiasm for people and life that keeps him an eternal 35. I am envious.

Happy Birthday from the whole entirely big internet.

ADG and style maven Bruce Boyer

II. See the Dustin Hoffman directed movie Quartet. Mrs. T and I went to the Saturday matinee. She was by far the youngest person in the theater but still approved. I think you'll enjoy it, especially if you're over 50.

III Perhaps from the Maybe-Maybe Not file:

From the UP Magazine oct/nov 2012

Enjoy your weekend.


  1. You two are a pair to draw for sure

  2. Max is such a scoundrel, he's been collecting happybirthdays for several days now, and to-DAY is the actual birthday? He is just BAD. And so is his new haircut. Happy birthday for the zillionth time, Max. And even though I'm just barely over 50, I'll go check out Quartet now, thankyou sir.


  3. 70? No chance - you're pulling our legs, right?

  4. Gail, in northern CaliforniaJanuary 27, 2013 at 11:20 AM

    Thanks for letting me know it's Max's birthday. I'm so darned gullible, I never know if he's pulling my leg or not.

    Thanks for the movie tip -- "Quartet".
    Have you seen "Hyde Park on the Hudson".
    I'd like to see both.

  5. I was warned off Hyde Park but am likely to see it this week anyway

  6. Well Happy Birthday to Maxi and thanks Toad for outing him:).

    I still think that Reggie ought to invite us all to Darlington House for a, well, something or other involving martinis.

    I'll even volunteer to do the cooking.

  7. You are most correct, it should/must be done.

  8. Toad...That guy is a character indeed. he is a pleasure to be around...even based on my limited experience.
    And LPC...if Reggie throws said festivities....I will help in the kitchen with you! I'll cook some duck or goose or vension or quail for the whole crew.

  9. Happy Birthday Maxie!!! Now play your turn on Words so I can add another loss to my score card and get on with it will ya...XXOO

    ps...dyyying to see Quartet! And, it's playing at my fav indie theater with the popcorn drizzled in real melted buttah to boot ;)

  10. Jeez, I can't 1) believe Maxi and I share a birthday and 2)...uh oh, Ican't remember #2.

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