Thursday, November 1, 2012

Kinky Friedman

Frontman for the ever popular Texas Jewboys, today's birthday boy Kinky Friedman has the misfortune of living in the right place at the wrong time. A lifelong Texas boy, the would be politician's mix of common sense,buffered by populism, buffoonery and showmanship make him an unlikely candidate for any Texas public office. Kinky has run for office twice and lost. Texans never got his pragmatism, it's their loss.

A creative sort he's made a career out of being the satirical, politically incorrect storyteller, in the mold of Hunter S. Thompson with a different set of vices. A collection of articles written for Texas Monthly, Drinker with a Writing Problem, is a good start.

If you don't know from Kinky give 'im a try. Can't hurt. He sells a pretty good cigar as well.



  1. I gave Kinky a try a few years back. Sometimes he is a bit over the top, but you have to admire his plain speaking.The mail he must get!

  2. My cousin is one of Kinky's old childhood friends and he tells me Kinky is the real deal. No BS, what you see is what you get; it's not an act. He's a good guy.

  3. I've voted for Kinky both times. I think that for a Kerrvert, (Texas for living in Kerrville)he brings alot to the table. We could do alot worse. In
    fact,considering our current mansion dweller, we have.
