Monday, October 8, 2012

Wabash Frisco and Pacific RR 2

Sunday in Mayberry included a  bright, beautiful if somewhat cool fall afternoon.  A good one for raking the leaves or building a fire and watching the test pattern on TV.  Instead Mrs. T, my bestest buds Peter, who turns 5 next Sunday and Tristan who will be 3 for a while, and I went for a ride on the Wabash Frisco and Pacific Railroad.



Mrs. T and Mr. Conductor

Our train

The WF&P have a pretty good gig going.  The RR runs every Sunday spring 'till November rain or shine.  Granted in the heat of summer, and the occasional rainy day may hold down the crowd, but the several times we've gone there is always a respectable size crowd. Sunday was no exception.

Our two mile, half hour trip along the Meramec River went through the woods and over several bridges, no tunnels though nor did we spot any lions, tigers, bears or BBW's for which we are eternally grateful.

The boys appeared to have a good time, even in the cold.  Watching them jump every time the whistle blew, or the engineer released a bit of steam was worth the price of admission.

Should you find yourself in the area give it a go.  The WF&P is a fun way to spend an afternoon.

What's the point of riding the rails if you don't have the proper gear. Everyone needs a hat.



  1. What boy can resist a train!

    I hope you are having a lovely day!

  2. Sounds like a wonderful day! The smiles on their faces are priceless.

  3. Two miles is pretty impressive! Looks like everyone had a great time. :)

  4. I had the best time of all, doing kid stuff brings out the kid in me.

  5. Toad, this makes me so happy. We had neighbors, Dr. & Mrs. Kenny, who we called Kenny and Mommy Kenny. They were somewhat older than my folks, their own children grown, and they would take us (sometimes all 4) on weekend afternoon adventures and give my poor parents a break. Some of my best childhood memories!
