Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Four years ago today I turned on the lights, switched on our computer and typed these words:

Blogs have long fascinated and scared me. I have wondered where in the world people found so much to say. How such interesting people had the time or the inclination to share their lives with the masses. Frankly, I felt inadequate. My life isn't that full.

However, I do have a few things to share, and I hope as time passes we each do our bit to make this world the best of all possible worlds.

I promise to rarely rant. I am no Howard Beale. I promise not to preach. Frankly, I just don't care enough. Free advice is rarely received and never welcome.

Over time I'll tell more about myself, my family, life in Mayberry, Ted the wonder dog, and how if I were king the world might be a different place.

I look forward to sharing time with you.
And so Toad found his voice.

I still feel inadequate to the task, and each day I wonder what tomorrow's post will be about but through these daily ruminations I have learned a thing or two and have met the most wonderful people in the world...those of you who stop by here periodically!!! I wouldn't have missed this trip for the world. From the bottom of my heart I thank each of YOU, followers, readers and commenters and passers by, you've enriched my life immeasurably. And so we head towards year 5. Onward.


Why yes, Todd Akin is my idiot congressman.


  1. I read your blog every morning and enjoy the variety of your topics. Akin is my idiot congressman also. As I was waiting to pick-up my son yesterday I noticed how many people in the parking lot had Akin bumper stickers and wondered how quickly they were going to go home and scrape them off. Such an embarrassment.

  2. One of the first blogs I read was ADG
    asking why you hadn't posted recently. His joy at your return caused me to explore this man Toad. I never thanked ADG. And thank you Toad for being Toad.

  3. Congratulations! I enjoy your posts very much.


  4. Congratulations Toad -- your blog is different the most - and appreciated.

  5. Gail, in northern CaliforniaAugust 22, 2012 at 9:36 AM

    I wake up with you every single morning. I've got my cup of coffee of course but that's no longer enough. Gotta' have my daily dose of To The Manner Born where I find Toad, this wonderful unselfish gentleman who makes me laugh, makes me think, makes me cry.
    Thank you, Toad.

  6. Happy Blogoversary, you dear man.


  7. We'll have to assume the congressman doesn't speak for all he represents!
    Happy Blogoversary!

  8. Congratulations on 4 years. Here's looking forward to #5. Sorry about your congressman, not that we don't have our own run of idiot congresspeople here in Texas.
    Keep up the good work kind Sir, and Thank You.

  9. Again, I thank you all. You're the ones, along with Google, who make it all possible.

  10. Love your blog and your "voice." It is one that is elegant, thoughtful, kind, generous, and always amusing.
    We share a similar aesthetic and often the same opinions- as in Todd Akin.

    By the way, that is a very nice photo Dapper Dan!

  11. Happy Birthday. Or anniversary. Just keep 'em coming. sb, lr.

  12. Happy Blogoversary, Toad! I've learned a great deal from your blog - thank you for writing it.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. You make me feel like Sally Field winning an Oscar all over again. Many thanks to all of you.

  15. I just stumbled upon your blog.
    I so enjoy your voice Mr. Toad.
    Happy anniversary, I will visit you often.

  16. I took yesterday off work and missed this. Happy blogoversary Sir! Inadequate to the task? Never.

  17. xoxoxoxox.

    Much fondness from CA.

  18. Toad,
    Congratulations and well done. I look forward to future posts.
