Sunday, July 22, 2012

Life is Art

photo from Daily Dooley

If you have never been to Madrid by all means GO! It's one of the world's great capital cities, think of it as a laid back London, and don't worry about the language barrier, it is not a problem. Madrid is also one of the world's greatest museum cities. The art in the Prado's lobby makes it worth the trip.

As great as Madrid's art is, it can also be its downfall. Have you ever hit the vacation wall? You've experienced too much, too soon, it's days before returning home, you want to run screaming from wherever you are and be coddled by your own toys in familiar surroundings. I Madrid.

Our fourth day in town, a cold rainy November Sunday afternoon, was spent in the galleries of the Museo Reina Sofia. We come to see Pablo Picasso's Guernica, and stayed for the tour. It may have been our tenth museum in as many days, and midway through I hit the wall. I told Mrs. T not to worry, I'd find her in while, and walked off to collect myself.

Hidden away on that gray day, with neither warning, guide or signage I stumbled into a hidden away gallery with 100 Alexander Calder mobiles on display, all close enough to touch, but you'd likely be shot for trying.

On the dreary afternoon, a room with vivid color, modern art, light and whimsy saved my sanity. Thank you Mr. Calder. Happy Birthday.



  1. He created a vortex where art and engineering met it seems to me. Fascanating man, fascanating art. Thanks Toad.

  2. Okay, Madrid it is! I thought about Barcelona so you have convinced me this is the part of the world I need to visit next month...gracias!

  3. I've read about "Stendhal Syndrome" happening to people in museums, maybe you had a touch of SS come over you. What a lovely therapeutic resolution you happened upon.


  4. Jane: I move to Barcelona in a heartbeat, for the food, the people and the beach. May remind you of the Miami of old.
