Sunday, December 18, 2011

Shopping this weekend? Bah

Since #1 son's work schedule doesn't allow him much time off for Christmas this year, Mrs. T and I hit the road Saturday meeting up with Liz and her family in Kansas City, breaking bread and exchanging Christmas prizes.

Not being as familiar with KC as I once was, I asked several locals for recommendations of good places, near the interstate for us to meet. When the number 1 recommendation from several folks was the same (Oklahoma Joe's), I took that as a good sign, and planned accordingly.

Mid afternoon when we arrived, the line of customers wrapped around the building. Thankfully it was unseasonably warm since many patrons, unable to find seats inside tailgated in the parking lot. We went elsewhere, had a feast that couldn't be beat and hightailed it home.

So much for the myth of last minute holiday shoppers.



  1. Joe's is goods but we still like Bryant's better. We did some shopping yesterday -- not for Christmas but for a much needed new TV. Shoppers were out and about in our Wal Mart!

  2. Just me, Toad, but I'd stay away from a place called Oklahoma Joe's. Glad you had a good time anyway.

  3. It's the best in town - and I'm a huge Bryant's fan as well. Bourdain was there a few days ahead of you. Next time.
