Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Cool Guy- Dominique Browning

In the early days of this blog I would periodically raise the question "Where's Dominique?". Everyone seemed to have an online presence but her. Dominique's devoted fans would email me questions about her whereabouts/comings and goings, as if I knew, I answered their queries as best as I could.

After about the fourth "where's D" her publicist commented that Dominique was engaged in the finishing touches of her latest book,Slow Love which would be published in the not too distant future. Shortly before Slow Love was published, Dominique emailed, and we have maintained an irregular ecorrespondence since, one thread of which led to my standing her up on my first trip East. I must have been out of my mind.

Today is her birthday. I trust she won't object to being included as one of the "cool guys". She is far more than the woman who once... Besides being a gifted writer, blogger and editor, mother and mentor, she is a concerned citizen donating her considerable talents writing for The Environmental Defense Fund. Her work there will have a far more lasting impact than whatever came before.

Happy Birthday Mrs. B.

Toad and Mrs. T


  1. Fabulous and remarkable woman. Happy Birthday, DB; still hoping you'll accept Pam's and my encouragement to visit Amelia, St. Simon's and Cumberland Islands as your schedule allows. Mr. and Mrs. T, won't you come along as well?


  2. I loved to read her column in House and Garden back when we had our first house and our children were young. She helped me understand that "house" and "home" weren't mutually exclusive endeavors and that an appreciation for aesthetics could enhance family life. The payoff happened when one of our sons came back from his first semester of dorm life and said, "Dad, they don't understand the first thing about ambient lighting."

    I particularly enjoyed her March 2010 piece in the NY Times about rediscovering her identity after the plug was pulled on H and G.

    Stood her up, eh? It's always easier to kick one's own rear end than it seems.

  3. Chuck if you haven't already, you may enjoy her books, especially "Around the House"

  4. ...and you can also go to DB's website to read archived articles she's written for various publications, including her monthly H&G editor's remarks which were always so poignant and personal, just click whichever publication you want from the left margin, and a list of choices will appear:


  5. Confirming that you are SO COOL.
