Friday, August 5, 2011

white linen night

Should you find yourself in or around the Crescent City tomorrow evening don't forget to participate in one of New Orleans's newer summer traditions, White Linen Night. Held in the Warehouse District (400 Julia Street) along Gallery Row, White Linen Night is a combination block party, art walk and fund raiser for the contemporary Arts Center. 20,000 or so are expected, so dress up, bring a bit of cash to help a worthy cause and eat and drink the evening away with kindred souls.

Should you attend, take lots of photos and SHARE them here, please.



  1. Toad I would really love to attend this event!


    Art by Karena

  2. Stepping' out and looking fine. Rock on Mr.T!

  3. Funny, that is one of the memories my Mom often shared with me about her father than made her happy remembering. It was the fact that he often worn a freshly pressed white linen suit. (Obviously she hadn't been the one to iron it.)
