Monday, August 8, 2011

VJ Day

Alabama Civil War Veterans Home

Wars are good for 2 things in the US, creating taxes and holidays.

Personal Federal taxes began as a funding mechanism to help pay for the War of Union Aggression. When they saw what a great job it did for the US treasury, states got in on the game too. Often once the war was paid off, the money quietly slipped into another pocket, and the show went on. For instance, the State of Alabama in 2011 continues to collect a tax which funds its Civil War Veterans Retirement Home. That the home closed 72 years ago, and the last southern veteran died in 1951, is irrelevant. The tax receipts are not.


Victory Day: Were you aware that Rhode Island is the only state that still celebrates the World War II surrender of Japan? Formerly known as Victory Over Japan or VJ Day, the name has been shortened to reflect modern sensitivities. State and municipal offices are closed, and it's a paid holiday for employees of many Rhode Island businesses.

(While VJ Day is August 14, RI celebrates on the first Monday after the first Tuesday of the August- today)

Bonus daughter and I will be on the road 'till Friday. We hope you won't mind if we stop by to use your bathroom and refill our canteens. We'll try to be neat. I may be a bit slower than normal on the uptake. It's a cross we'll all have to bear.



  1. You are more than welcome here. Be warned, though. The yard is a mess. It looks much better if you squint.

  2. You're welcome at Linderhof, if you get down this way!

  3. You are welcome in Mexico - MO, that is. . .

  4. you're more than welcome here! can't wait to see you! xoxox

  5. We'd love to have you north of Boston! Door is open, help yourself.

  6. Yep, can't get enough holidays! If you're ever in Louisville, you and bonus daughter are more than welcome to stop by. :)

  7. San Antonio is hotter'n the hinges of hell, but you are always welcome as is the bonus daughter.

  8. I'm presently in old town Alexandria Va, looking for a guy named ADG.

  9. "I'm presently in old town Alexandria Va, looking for a guy named ADG."

    Too bad you's not a Southerner cuz if you was, you'd have no problem axin the guy at the next table to snap a photo of you and ADG together, side by side, for the viewin pleasure of your readership.

    -one of your muses

  10. anon I do believe sumpen like that did transpire. I'll even share it.
