Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Summer is hot, Winter is long

I'm fighting a bug. Long winter stays in bed are delightful, but in August? Most certainly not. There's no reason to turn on the telly, the only interesting bits are daily News of the World revelations, hardly enough to keep one under the covers. Thank goodness for my Google Reader.

There is also a stack of catalogs, although I'm unlikely to ever mentally adjust to a retailers-or publishers-calendar. I have no wish to consider tweeds and corduroy as options yet, and silently curse those that do. Tweed weather, while not for another 6+ weeks in Mayberry, seems never to go away. Enjoy the hot, humid, sticky summer while it's here. Lots of good end of season sales on though.

See you tomorrow by which time I will have taken the cure.



  1. While you are grumping your way through your bug (Everyone Needs a bug occasionally to strengthen the system), and hopefully recovered by now, I am happily reading my way through your archived posts. Just discovered Lady's Day. Love that! My coffee is cool, need to go grab the pot...

  2. Feel better Toad, I understand, I cannot stand to be sick in the summertime.


    Art by Karena

  3. "I'm fighting a bug."

    Ugh, ugh. Well, we'll think of you in a seersucker robe with a dandy pocket square folded just so in the chest pocket. I hope the doggone east coast urban stress didn't lower your resistance, we do have a bunch of stuff over here that constantly attacks, in my 'hood it's the wide variety of invisible molds/mold spores/pollens in the air, on your car, in your hair...take care, fine Sir.


  4. Summer colds are the worst - rest up!

  5. Too early, 4 wet cold noses took control of my situation and let me know I was fit for duty. They may be right. Thank you for the good wishes, I feel better already.

  6. Dogs are the cure. And a jug of Pimms. Hope you're feeling better quickly. tIO x

  7. I think IO is on to something, dogs and Pimms, with slice of cucumber. Hope it isn't 100+ degrees in Mayberry as it is here in South Texas. Hope you are better Toad.

  8. And with that the sangria bottle was put away, and the Pimms magically appeared. let us give thanks

    I've only had 1 Volvo and 1 Saab. Both so so, although I loved the Saab. Husqvarna lawn mower is a work in process
