Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Mr. Gere wearing my new specs

Heresy alert

Richard Tiffany Gere is not a name that inspires me to rush to the box office. It took almost a year to recover from Nights in Rodanthe, the second worst movie experience of our Friday Night Date Night extravaganzas. I was sore disappointed to find it wasn't a 50's style Japanese Sci-fi monster movie, in which the monster ate Gere.

None the less tomorrow is Richard 62nd. Happy Birthday Richard, go home, have a good meal. We should all look so good at 62.



  1. Toad I am quite sure you look just as good in those Gere specs!!

    Has he even made a movie recently?

    Come and join my new fashion Giveaway from Fresh Produce! Your lovely would be thrilled to win!

    Art by Karena

  2. God that was a HORRIBLE movie! Time we will never get back. Interesting life this fellow...but he did have some rough times that I don't think I could have wished on anyone. Remember the gerbil years? That would be enough to make me find a new religion too!

  3. Never saw this movie, though it was made in NC-the small town got hit very hard by Irene over the weekend, seems their recovery goes way back. pgt

  4. Ah, look at Richard Gere trying to be like you! Glad I missed that film - I thought about watching it, since it was filmed in the Outer Banks, where we often vacation. Glad to hear I dodged that bullet. :)

  5. With Friday night fast approaching, any thoughts on The Help?

  6. "With Friday night fast approaching, any thoughts on The Help?"

    How was it?

    "We should all look so good at 62."

    He's a creep. He was a creep at 26, at 40, and he's still a common ordinary creep at 62. You are wayyyyy cuter than Richard Gere.

    "Look at the gent above on the left. I'd wear that suit today."

    Look at the then-called "girl group" below. Ask your Bride if she doesn't wish she could find that dress today, ask her if she wouldn't pay anything just to be able to find that perfect LBD [she'd probably raise the hem, so would I, but nothing beats those 3/4 sleeves].


