Friday, August 19, 2011

King of the Flies

Once upon a time, ADG and I had kicked around the idea of starting our own country on a secluded atoll in international waters, kissing the rest of the planet goodbye. Our plans (pipe dreams perhaps) came to naught, as we were too dependent upon others to do the heavy lifting. Well, good things happen to those who wait, and now the stars have aligned, filling in all the missing links to our previous plan, heavy lifting by others included.

Today, let us give thanks for the ingenuity and creativity of Pay Pal founder and Facebook angel investor Mr. Paul Thiel, who has created Seasteading, the building of personalized islands, brand new, sovereign countries built to spec, using what are essentially oil drilling rigs in international waters. You buy it, tell Paul where you want it, wire the necessary funds and off you go. A genuine, customized, Lord of the Flies world, created just for you.

Not long ago, I mentioned a move to a sunnier clime may be in order. The entire planet has just become my oyster. ADG, you in?



  1. May I be National Tartan Advisor? Better yet, your ambassador to the US?

  2. Can't wait to see the design of your country's flag. :)

  3. JMW will you be the model for our stamp?

    YWP, you are just the guy we've been looking for

  4. You are going to need at least one town elder, probably more [last thing you need is over-population problems]. Since I get my Medicare membership card the end of this year, I'm pretty sure I qualify on that score, but it's the Style, IQ and Fashion requirements I'm personally concerned about. TIA for sending Admission Packet asap.


  5. Flo, we'd probably need to pair you up with some colorful character just to prove the with age comes wisdom adage. Wilford Brimley maybe, or Dame van Winkle.

  6. "we'd probably need to pair you up with some colorful character just to prove the with age comes wisdom adage. Wilford Brimley maybe"

    Ohhhh, so the first Lord Of The Collective We "We" appears! "We will need to...."

    I don't even get to express a preference for Harvey Keitel over Wilford Brimley? [see "The Piano" for those wondering about HK's sex appeal]

  7. ADG is off Tumblring but I volunteer to make up 1/4 of your empire's Fool.

  8. Lisa, ADG warned me that you were nobody's fool. Perhaps a more suitable Ministerial position would better suit. Say, Keeper of the Flame, or in the Twain tradition, Flo's Boss. Can't have the elders running off making their own decisions.

  9. "Can't have the elders running off making their own decisions."

    You let Lauren Hutton get away with it justfinethankyouverymuch, she who happens to be 3 years older than I.

  10. Oops...just now finding this. I haven't been reading too many blog thangs lately. But I'm ready to start the 'specially since we just had an urf quake here in Old Town.
