Sunday, June 26, 2011

Mrs. T's birthday extravaganza

Lest there be any misunderstanding, let it be known I adore my bride. Paraphrasing Auden (180 degrees out of context) she is my North, my South, my East, my West. I cherish our life together, and can't imagine any other life which would be any more worth living. Today, the anniversary of her birth, I am especially grateful, because I get to share my story.

As with most husbands, I'm the burr under her saddle. As long as opposites attract, we are opposites in everything that doesn't matter, and joined at the hip at those that do. Together we are indomitable. She's taught me to take the long view, I've taught her not to take the little things so seriously. They have been gifts from the heart, each to the other.

Mrs. T is not my best friend, she doesn't complete me, her life would be full and satisfactory without me. I on the other hand would be totally lost without her. She's my reason, she's my why and I adore and cherish her. Because of her I want to live forever. I'll need at least that long to convey what a lucky guy I am, how happy I am being married to her, how I treasure her love and each moment we are together, and how I love her mostest.

Happy Birthday my adored.



  1. Everyone could learn something from you two wonderful beings! Thank you for sharing you bride with us on her special day!

  2. Toad Happy Birthday to Mrs T! You are both fortunate to have each other!

    Art by Karena

  3. The two of you out and about surely must stop traffic, you're not only a happy loving couple but you're a beautiful couple as well. Happy Birthday to your beautiful wife!

  4. What a wonderful birthday tribute!
    Happy Birthday MrsT!

  5. Beautifully written. Thank you and happy b-day to Mrs T.

  6. Aw. And of course the fact that she's wildly cute doesn't hurt:).

  7. I'm wasting type by asking the obvious "do you have any idea how lucky you are?"

    Your words give me faint hope that someday I might cast down the calcified concretions of second marriage avoidance and give it a go.

    Shut up.

  8. Happy Birthday Mrs T. You have chosen well Toad.

  9. Through wet eyes and trembling jaw I've been instructed to thank each and everyone from the bottom of our hearts. God Bless us all, everyone.

  10. I am quite late in wishing Mrs. T a Happy Birthday, but please convey it along with my apologies...

    As in other things, you have excellent taste- and I wish you both many happy years together!


  11. Happiest of Birthday wishes to Mrs. T!

  12. What a wonderful tribute. Cute pics also. My father reminds me on a frequent basis that I should be on my knees each evening thanking God for the blessing he has given me in my beloved, Charlotte. Thank you for showing me how it is done.

  13. I confess I grew a bit sniffly reading this, Mr. Toad. That Auden poem is a favorite, in context or otherwise. Wishing your lovely bride the happiest of belated birthdays.
