Tuesday, May 10, 2011

While the cat was away...

When Mrs. T read of my plan to head south for the weekend, she quickly revised her schedule to make certain I would pick her up Saturday eve, instead of Sunday night. Being a stuck at home, I chose to make the best of it.

One of the benefits of age, is that your friends who still work, by now have pretty cool jobs. Taking advantage of friends cool job perks and fearing starvation, I thought it may be fun to play dress up and be taken to lunch, on the taxpayers nickel.

On Thursday I opted for the executive dining room at the bank. Banks always put on good spreads. The food is good, surroundings exquisite, the conversation insightful, and if the days of the 3 martini lunch are over at least the wine is properly chilled.

In an effort to hurry spring, and for Cinco d'Mayo's sake, I opted for khaki poplin. The tie is by Ellie Stager , the suit from Cable Car Clothiers, shoes tobacco suede cap toes by Alfred Sargent. I was not disappointed by lunch or my companions.

Friday, I had to resort to a buddy's expense account. On a casual Friday I probably could have gotten away with wearing anything, but I was still playing dress up. The weather, while warmer, was uncooperative for any of the white linen numbers aging comfortably in the dressing room. We weren't going to Galatoire's after all. Besides I wanted white for Derby Day.

I resorted to good old Brooks Brothers blue /white seersucker. I know it's early, sue me.

This summertime favorite is 15 years old. Since it's not an expandomatic, its been on the shelf awhile. Only had 8 fun summers wear. Last year I couldn't get the coat on, this year it's a bit loose. The tie is Ben Silver, the shoes, Scottish ducal ceremonial beach loafers.

Might I suggest that a wonderful lunch in good company, followed by whiling away bits of the afternoon puttering around the garden, a nap (in lieu of a postprandial cigar) followed by a trip to the gym is not an unpleasant way to spend a day. I recommend it become habit forming.



  1. outstanding. one of my favorite posts. never too early for the seersucker. well, yes, i suppose it could be, but you get my drift.

  2. oh come on...no cigar? after playing dress up and having a good lunch?? even though mrs toad was away, you stil didn't have a cigar??? well, at least you got to the gym.

  3. 1. You just can't beat a BB seersucker suit. (And what a bonus to find it loose!)
    2. I've noticed that about banks. One of my clubs meets at one occasionally and they really put on a spread. What's up with that?
    3. A trip to the gym? I am so impressed!

  4. It certainly isn't too early for seersucker down here. it spreads like an epidemic as soon as Easter Vigil Mass is over. Up north, y'all may wait 'til "memorial day" (AKA yankee memorial day), but in New Orleans Easter is our day to bust out the summer attire.

  5. Yep, you've definitely dropped some ballast...looking trim, Toad.
    None of my suit jackets fit in the shoulders anymore...one downside of turning into a gym rat. Not sure if a tailor can work with that.

  6. T, mine has successfully yanked off 3 sizes. There is hope.

  7. *sigh* I remember those days. I have a number of years ahead of me before I get them back...but that's ok ;o)

    Yay you for losing so many sizes!

  8. Bravo Toad! For one wearing seersucker anyway and two for your jacket now being a bit on the loose side. My grandfather Moore wore seersucker each summer. He was so impeccably dressed; I suppose a result of all those years as a Col. in the Army. His father however was just like that. Even though he retired, he still got up each day and put on his suit and tie. To me, those are real men. You looked smashing Toad and you made the best of a few lonely days I'd say!

    Cheers to you ~ Deb
    P.S. - thanks for your comment on my motorcycle post. You made me snicker!

  9. Sounds like a perfect day's routine!

  10. Very dapper indeed! I did spot a few seersucker suits at our own Derby Day here in Sacramento....quite appropriate I thought!

  11. Toad-what if your shoulders have gotten broader?
