Sunday, March 27, 2011

In like a lion...

View from my chambers, 26 March

Out the front door... Saturday

Last weekend near 80 (26C). Yesterday 32 and snow (0). Seems backwards to me.



  1. We had rain yesterday -- missed the snow although it is forecast to fall today. It always seems colder when it has been warmer!

  2. That is perfect weather for curling up with Confederacy of Dunces, which is an insanely great book. I also recommend All the Kings Men by Robert Penn Warren, if you are on a jag....Freezing up north here, but the hellebores and daffodils are out! d

  3. There aren't too many born-and-raised Floridians like me who'd prefer the view out your window today to the view out of mine. It's way too hot here, way too soon, we already have a build up of toxic haze in the distance. I LOVE your cold weather! It won't be long before you're pulling the pool cover back and supervising those two pups away from the water.


  4. Good gracious... and here I was complaining that it was rainy and chilly in (60-degree) southern California!

    March had better get a move on if it's going out like a lamb... :)
