Friday, February 18, 2011

Peter and the Tank

I've been in a powerful poor humor all week, walking with Winston's black dog,while dealing with that which is out of my control. Knowing it's out of my control hasn't been a boon.

Last evening I came across this at a near neighbor's site, Within the Crainium, and suddenly all felt right with the world. A perfect TGIF piece for a twisted week. Joan and Fat Scribe this one is for you. Click on the pictures and text to enlarge, or put your readers back on.



  1. I am not a sick man; it's a sick world, I'm a happy man.

    And I am, apparently, not alone. Cheers!

  2. perfect 1:41am reading on a Th. night./Fri morning. need(ed) cheering up ... cheers! The Onion could not have done any better ...

  3. oh! i remembered now ... thought of you when i watched "Any Human Heart" (Part I on PBS). if you haven't witnessed this as of yet, i believe you'll appreciate it.

  4. speechless. A temporary condition, no doubt.

  5. So lovely and simple, yet so twisted. Retribution fantasies fulfilled thanks to cute little rabbits!

  6. Scribe: I have taped part 1 and hope to get to it before part 2 airs Sunday. Thank you

  7. "walking with Winston's black dog"

    I'd not known of this idiom before. I've certainly gone on that walk before, but I didn't know I could have a dog with me. I'm wearing all black today in honor of you, and here's to triumphant rabbits [clink].

  8. Flo: Winston Churchill was plagued by bouts of depression which he called "his black dog." I've stolen his phrase respectfully.

  9. Beautifully brilliant! I wonder what Ms. Potter would say.

  10. Thanks for the link, Toad. Glad you enjoyed it too.
