Wednesday, February 23, 2011

On this date

Semper Fi


  1. It is important to me to thank as many veterans as I can. I have had cards printed that merely say "Thank you Veteran".
    Thus far I have passed out over 2,000 to gentlemen who wear baseball caps with their respective branch of service emblazoned upon it and men whose license plates bear the Bronze Star or Purple Heart or Veteran emblem. I have shaken the hand of EVERY veteran I meet and I have taight my daughter to do the same.
    I have met survivors of Iwo Jima who, like many other veterans, become teary eyed when we thank them and ask to shake their hand. Amazing. I have been told time and time again, as the gentleman choked back tears, that no one has EVER thanked him before! Unbelievable! To sacrifice so much and the average American cannot be bothered to thank them!
    We have a joke in our family: "How do you make a Marine cry?"
    "You thank him".

    Thanks, Toad, for bringing this to our attention. You are, as they say "Da Man"!

  2. "I have had cards printed that merely say 'Thank you Veteran'. Thus far I have passed out over 2,000.."

    I find this to be an astounding accomplishment, Divine, my hat's off to you. And to you too, Sir Toad.

  3. My father, bless his soul, was a Marine Drill Instructor. Growing up, we were never allowed to forget days like this,and the men and women who made them.

  4. Thank you, Toad's Dad, from the bottom of my heart. Thank you for personal sacrifices you made in the service of our beloved country. We will never forget.

  5. Just found my father-in-law in a Silver Star database, pass this resource on to those you think may have loved ones in these rolls:

  6. If memory serves, all but 1 Marine in the photo was dead with 2 weeks of the flag raising. The survivor was killed several months later.
