Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Equal Opportunity

As a follow up to Monday's post of the Secessionist Gala Ball in Charleston here is something for the other side.

On this date 1864 Union Major General William T. Sherman sent the following telegram to President Abraham Lincoln.

"I beg to present you as a Christmas gift the city of Savannah with 150 heavy guns, plenty of ammunition and also about 25,000 bales of cotton"

I doubt the Sons of the Union Army Veterans have an annual sit down commemorating this in Savannah.



  1. Read in the paper today that some angry twits found it necessary to protest the Ball.
    Sheesh...lighten up guys...

  2. I suspect you are quite right Toad. I dare say that is a very generous Christmas gift; however will be leaving those off my list this year.

    Wishing you and yours a memorable Christmas Toad.

    Cheers ~ Deb

  3. While I won't condone the Gala, I do understand it. I suspect it is part of the "society- upper crust variety" in most communities.

    The society ball in Mayberry originally commemorated activities the current generation glosses over. Ask, and you'll hear "we've moved beyond". I suspect that is true.

    The name of the gala is part of the fabric of the locale.

    Call it the Christmas gala and the same folks in the same outfits would show up, money would be raised for whatever cause and everyone would have a good time, while those left out would still protest.

    End of rant. Happy Yule

  4. As a South Carolinian and descendant of Revolutionary and Confederate veterans, I got nothin' to say.
