Friday, December 17, 2010


Are you a bird watcher?

We have 6 feeders around the manse during the winter months, each attracting a bevy of feathered guests. I enjoy watching, but my level of interest is not to the extent that I can discern the differences between the various types of goldfinches,hawks,bats, owls, eagles, nuthatches and whatever else winters here without my handy "Birds of Eastern Missouri" guidebook.

My office is mid tree level so I occasionally do get a birds eye view of what's happening. It was an eye opener to realize that the pecking order isn't just a figure of speech. I see it in action, daily.

If you are into birds, or just fantastic nature photography, take a peak at The Beauty of Nature: 100 Brilliant examples of bird photography. If not, this site just may change your mind. All the above photos are from that site.



  1. I wasn't a big birder until I met my husband. He had a few bird feeders, then launched a hummingbird feeder business with his family. Hummingbirds are fascinating to watch, especially at dusk when they're battling over space at the feeder. :)

  2. "Are you a bird watcher?"

    HUGE! YES! Right out my window is the NE section of the Great Florida Birding Trail. We keep binoculars near all the windows, Sibley's is nearby in case we're in a classification mood, but mainly it's the just the sight of them in all their variety coming and going that lifts our hearts and makes us so happy that we live here at the edge of the marsh as we do [in this dump of a 3/3 rehab which we've taken upon ourselves to renovate over the last 3 years, almost finished, hanging on, still breathing].

  3. we are all birders. my mum has hummingbird and goldfinch feeders. i like the bigger guys like the herons that fly onver my house. and the raptor type birds.
