Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Who polishes?

In the division of labor that takes place at our house, I have the honor of polishing silver. My involvement stems either from Mrs T's reaction to the god awful smell of TarnX or the nasty fingernail polish removing properties of some products we've tried.

I don't mind though. Like painting or cutting the grass, I love the instant gratification. Turning a nasty looking piece of metal into something we're proud to have in our home is good for the ego.

I have discovered a product which makes the process not only easy but fast.

This is an unpaid, unsolicited testimonial. If you have neglected the good stuff all year, and dread the thought of having to clean and polish one more thing for the holidays, give this stuff a try. I think you will like it. I can't speak for what it may do to your fingernail polish though.

On a completely different front, you know how every house has a stash of curtain rods, hooks, hangers and assorted hardware somewhere? Where do we keep ours? I can't seem to be able to locate it.



  1. I like to polish silver -- actually after my knee replacement that was one of my "occupational therapy" duties that I did (I wasn't assigned or told but knew that I had to do something and I chose polishing silver) -- and there is a lot of silver at Linderhof! Of course, the more it is used, the less it needs polishing!!!

    Wright's is good but my favorite is Maas which believe it or not we can get in our little town on the prairie!

    Enjoy the polishing!

  2. Polishing sliver can be such a rewarding task…I use the same silver cream! xx

  3. tarnx is vile stuff. it takes off all of the patina and ruins the silver. i use wrights all of the time. and i love polishing silver.

  4. Wrights is great stuff! We have a box of disposable 'rubber' gloves for tasks like metal polishing.

    Our curtain rods are stashed between the studs of our upstairs closet.

  5. I love Wrights! I use the disposable gloves (like the doctors & nurses) for various cleaning projects around my house. They are so much better than the bulky yellow ones. I have some of my curtain rods tucked in the corner of my hot water heater closet and some in the attic.

  6. The stash of rods, hooks and hangers might be out in the pool house.

    Wrights is wonderful but now I'm curious having read Martha's comment about Maas, and she would know because she recently posted her fabulous collection of silver napkin rings.

  7. Toad. Check the upstairs closet. I think the rods are stashed in there with the manor blue prints.

  8. Ugh, I was just thinking that I need to polish the silver tray in my dining room, among other things. Glad to hear about Silver Cream b/c the smell of Tarnex about does me in. As for the rods and other hardware, they always seem to be in a corner of the basement at our house. Or in the back of a closet. Check there. :)

  9. The rods and various hardware were secreted out of the house and into the trash when you weren't looking.

  10. Love Wright's! As to who polishes, I pay a dime per piece of flatware and up to fifty cents for ladles and such--my boys have always been happy to earn a little bit of money this way.

  11. To whomever stole my stash of rods: I want them back, please.

  12. Wright's is great, but in a pinch toothpaste works really well. Smells good, too.
