Monday, November 22, 2010

Katy Day

You may be anticipating Thanksgiving, but in our house the greater celebration is Katy Day.

Today is my first born's birthday, she was born on Thanksgiving Day, yet is no turkey.

I'm incredibly proud of her, and so very happy to be able to bask in her radiance, albeit distantly.

We love you dahlink, celebrate well, I wish we were there to celebrate with you.



  1. That is a truly sweet blog post and it made me think of my dad and how much he loved me and I him.....and I miss him sooooooo much.

    Nice to have visited here tonight. I come here often lately. I enjoy your blog very much. Thank you.

    Happy Day Katy!!

    (I come in peace from the planet Maxminimus.)

  2. Happy Birthday to Katy. I know the bittersweet emotions you are feeling today Toad. Enjoy the ones that make you smile.

  3. A resounding Happy Birthday to Katy, and a Thank You to you, sir, for arranging the You Might Also Like tabs so conveniently that we may revisit past posts about this lovely lady. Don't think we've forgotten what's happening in your life later this week, I'm already on edge waiting to hear about it, take good notes.

  4. Happy Birthday Katy!!!

    I am also waiting to hear about the 'festivities' this week ;o)

  5. Happy Birthday to your daughter. I've got a Katie too:).

  6. Thanks to all for the lovely birthday wishes. I had a great day and felt very loved. Happy Thankgsiving to you all. - Katy
